Leidenfrost drops on micro/nanostructured surfaces
Vishal TALARI, Prakhar BEHAR, Yi LU, Evan HARYADI, Dong LIU
Front. Energy ›› 2018, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (1) : 22-42.
Leidenfrost drops on micro/nanostructured surfaces
In the Leidenfrost state, the liquid drop is levitated above a hot solid surface by a vapor layer generated via evaporation from the drop. The vapor layer thermally insulates the drop from the heating surface, causing deteriorated heat transfer in a myriad of important engineering applications. Thus, it is highly desirable to suppress the Leidenfrost effect and elevate the Leidenfrost temperature. This paper presents a comprehensive review of recent literature concerning the Leidenfrost drops on micro/nanostructured surfaces with an emphasis on the enhancement of the Leidenfrost temperature. The basic physical processes of the Leidenfrost effect and the key characteristics of the Leidenfrost drops were first introduced. Then, the major findings of the influence of various micro/nanoscale surface structures on the Leidenfrost temperature were presented in detail, and the underlying enhancement mechanism for each specific surface topology was also discussed. It was concluded that multiscale hierarchical surfaces hold the best promise to significantly boost the Leidenfrost temperature by combining the advantages of both micro- and nanoscale structures.
Leidenfrost drop / Leidenfrost temperature / heat transfer enhancement / micro/nanostructured surfaces
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