Energy modeling and data structure framework for Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems (SHBE) — a review
Suraj TALELE, Caleb TRAYLOR, Laura ARPAN, Cali CURLEY, Chien-Fei CHEN, Julia DAY, Richard FEIOCK, Mirsad HADZIKADIC, William J. TOLONE, Stan INGMAN, Dale YEATTS, Omer T. KARAGUZEL, Khee Poh LAM, Carol MENASSA, Svetlana PEVNITSKAYA, Thomas SPIEGELHALTER, Wei YAN, Yimin ZHU, Yong X. TAO
Energy modeling and data structure framework for Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems (SHBE) — a review
This paper contributes an inclusive review of scientific studies in the field of sustainable human building ecosystems (SHBEs). Reducing energy consumption by making buildings more energy efficient has been touted as an easily attainable approach to promoting carbon-neutral energy societies. Yet, despite significant progress in research and technology development, for new buildings, as energy codes are getting more stringent, more and more technologies, e.g., LED lighting, VRF systems, smart plugs, occupancy-based controls, are used. Nevertheless, the adoption of energy efficient measures in buildings is still limited in the larger context of the developing countries and middle income/low-income population. The objective of Sustainable Human Building Ecosystem Research Coordination Network (SHBE-RCN) is to expand synergistic investigative podium in order to subdue barriers in engineering, architectural design, social and economic perspectives that hinder wider application, adoption and subsequent performance of sustainable building solutions by recognizing the essential role of human behaviors within building-scale ecosystems. Expected long-term outcomes of SHBE-RCN are collaborative ideas for transformative technologies, designs and methods of adoption for future design, construction and operation of sustainable buildings.
sustainability / building energy modeling (BEM) / occupant behaviors (OB) / sustainable ecosystems / System for the Observation of Populous Heterogeneous Information (SOPHI)
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