Impacts of solar multiple on the performance of direct steam generation solar power tower plant with integrated thermal storage

Yan LUO, Xiaoze DU, Lijun YANG, Chao XU, Muhammad AMJAD

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Front. Energy ›› 2017, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (4) : 461-471. DOI: 10.1007/s11708-017-0503-5

Impacts of solar multiple on the performance of direct steam generation solar power tower plant with integrated thermal storage

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Solar multiple (SM) and thermal storage capacity are two keydesign parameters for revealing the performance of direct steam generation(DSG) solar power tower plant. In the case of settled land area, SMand thermal storage capacity can be optimized to obtain the minimumlevelized cost of electricity (LCOE) by adjusting the power generationoutput. Taking the dual-receiver DSG solar power tower plant witha given size of solar field equivalent electricity of 100 MWe in Sevilla as a reference case, the minimum LCOE is21.77 ¢/kWhe with an SM of 1.7 and a thermalstorage capacity of 3 h. Besides Sevilla, two other sites are alsointroduced to discuss the influence of annual DNI. When compared withthe case of Sevilla, the minimum LCOE and optimal SM of the San Josesite change just slightly, while the minimum LCOE of the Bishop sitedecreases by 32.8% and the optimal SM is reduced to 1.3. The influenceof the size of solar field equivalent electricity is studied as well.The minimum LCOE decreases with the size of solar field, while theoptimal SM and thermal storage capacity still remain unchanged. Inaddition, the sensitivity of different investment in sub-system isinvestigated. In terms of optimal SM and thermal storage capacity,they can decrease with the cost of thermal storage system but increasewith the cost of power generation unit.


direct steam generation / solarpower tower / solar multiple / thermalenergy storage capacity / levelized cost of electricity(LCOE)

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Yan LUO, Xiaoze DU, Lijun YANG, Chao XU, Muhammad AMJAD. Impacts of solar multiple on the performanceof direct steam generation solar power tower plant with integratedthermal storage. Front. Energy, 2017, 11(4): 461‒471


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This research was supported by the National NaturalScience Foundation of China (Grant No. 51676069), the 111 Project(B12034), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(Grant No. 2016XS30).


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