Cumulant-based correlated probabilistic load flow considering photovoltaic generation and electric vehicle charging demand

Nitesh Ganesh BHAT, B. Rajanarayan PRUSTY, Debashisha JENA

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Front. Energy ›› 2017, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (2) : 184-196. DOI: 10.1007/s11708-017-0465-7

Cumulant-based correlated probabilistic load flow considering photovoltaic generation and electric vehicle charging demand

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This paper applies a cumulant-based analytical method for probabilistic load flow (PLF) assessment in transmission and distribution systems. The uncertainties pertaining to photovoltaic generations and aggregate bus load powers are probabilistically modeled in the case of transmission systems. In the case of distribution systems, the uncertainties pertaining to plug-in hybrid electric vehicle and battery electric vehicle charging demands in residential community as well as charging stations are probabilistically modeled. The probability distributions of the result variables (bus voltages and branch power flows) pertaining to these inputs are accurately established. The multiple input correlation cases are incorporated. Simultaneously, the performance of the proposed method is demonstrated on a modified Ward-Hale 6-bus system and an IEEE 14-bus transmission system as well as on a modified IEEE 69-bus radial and an IEEE 33-bus mesh distribution system. The results of the proposed method are compared with that of Monte-Carlo simulation.


battery electric vehicle / extended cumulant method / photovoltaic generation / plug-in hybrid electric vehicle / probabilistic load flow

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Nitesh Ganesh BHAT, B. Rajanarayan PRUSTY, Debashisha JENA. Cumulant-based correlated probabilistic load flow considering photovoltaic generation and electric vehicle charging demand. Front. Energy, 2017, 11(2): 184‒196


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