Nodal, zonal, or uniform electricity pricing: how to deal with network congestion


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Front. Energy ›› 2017, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (2) : 210-232. DOI: 10.1007/s11708-017-0460-z

Nodal, zonal, or uniform electricity pricing: how to deal with network congestion

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In this paper, the main contributions to congestion management and electricity pricing, i.e., nodal, zonal, and uniform electricity pricing, are surveyed. The key electricity market concepts are structured and a formal model framework is proposed for electricity transportation, production, and consumption in the context of limited transmission networks and competitive, welfare maximizing electricity markets. In addition, the main results of existing short-run and long-run congestion management studies are explicitly summarized. In particular, the important interconnection between short-run network management approaches and optimal long-run investments in both generation facilities and network lines are highlighted.


nodal pricing / zonal pricing / uniform pricing / competitive electricity markets / welfare maximization / redispatch / optimization models

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Martin WEIBELZAHL. Nodal, zonal, or uniform electricity pricing: how to deal with network congestion. Front. Energy, 2017, 11(2): 210‒232


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This research was performed as part of the Energy Campus Nuremberg and supported by funding through the “Aufbruch Bayern (Bavaria on the move)” initiative of the state of Bavaria and the Emerging Field Initiative (EFI) of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg through the project “Sustainable Business Models in Energy Markets”. In addition, the financial support through the “Eliteförderung Bayern (Elite Program of the State of Bavaria)” in the last years should be acknowledged. Thanks also go to Veronika Grimm, Lena Hupp, Katja Kutzer, Alexander Martin, and Andrea Peter for their valuable comments and discussions. Finally, I want to thank my mother Gabriele and my sister Theresa as well as three referees for their valuable comments that helped to improve this paper.


2017 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
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