Modeling, evaluation, and optimization of gas-power and energy supply scenarios
Hossam A. GABBAR, Aboelsood ZIDAN
Modeling, evaluation, and optimization of gas-power and energy supply scenarios
Recently, renewable energy sources such as wind power and photovoltaic (PV) are receiving a wide acceptance because they are inexhaustible and nonpolluting. Renewable energy sources are intermittent ones because of climate changes in wind speed and solar irradiance. Due to the continuous demand growth and the necessity for efficient and reliable electricity supply, there is a real need to increase the penetration of gas technologies in power grids. The Canadian government and stakeholders are looking for ways to increase the reliability and sustainability of power grid, and gas-power technologies may provide a solution. This paper explores the integration of gas and renewable generation technologies to provide a qualified, reliable, and environmentally friendly power system while satisfying regional electricity demands and reducing generation cost. Scenarios are evaluated using four key performance indicators (KPIs), economic, power quality, reliability, and environmental friendliness. Various scenarios outcomes are compared based on the defined performance indices. The proposed scenario analysis tool has three components, the geographic information system (GIS) for recording transmission and distribution lines and generation sites, the energy semantic network (ESN) knowledgebase to store information, and an algorithm created in Matlab/Simulink for evaluating scenarios. To interact with the scenario analysis tool, a graphical user interface (GUI) is used where users can define the desired geographic area, desired generation percentage via gas technology, and system parameters. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, the regional zone of the province of Ontario and Toronto are used as case studies.
gas-power / renewable / key performance indicators (KPIs) / reliability
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