Solving unit commitment problem using a novel version of harmony search algorithm
Roozbeh MORSALI, Tohid JAFARI, Amirhossein GHODS, Mohammad KARIMI
Solving unit commitment problem using a novel version of harmony search algorithm
In this context, a novel structure was proposed for improving harmony search (HS) algorithm to solve the unit comment (UC) problem. The HS algorithm obtained optimal solution for defined objective function by improvising, updating and checking operators. In the proposed improved self-adaptive HS (SGHS) algorithm, two important control parameters were adjusted to reach better solution from the simple HS algorithm. The objective function of this study consisted of operation, start-up and shut-down costs. To confirm the effectiveness, the SGHS algorithm was tested on systems with 10, 20, 40 and 60 generating units, and the obtained results were compared with those of the simple HS algorithm and other related works.
generation scheduling / harmony search (HS) algorithm / intelligent technique / unit commitment
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