THD reduction with reactive power compensation for fuzzy logic DVR based solar PV grid connected system
Akhil GUPTA, Saurabh CHANANA, Tilak THAKUR
Front. Energy ›› 2014, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (4) : 464-479.
THD reduction with reactive power compensation for fuzzy logic DVR based solar PV grid connected system
Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is used to protect sensitive loads from voltage disturbances of the distribution generation (DG) system. In this paper, a new control approach for the 200 kW solar photovoltaic grid connected system with perturb and observe maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique is implemented. Power quality improvement with comparison is conducted during fault with proportional integral (PI) and artificial intelligence-based fuzzy logic controlled DVR. MPPT tracks the actual variable DC link voltage while deriving the maximum power from a photovoltaic array and maintains DC link voltage constant by changing modulation index of the converter. Simulation results during fault show that the fuzzy logic based DVR scheme demonstrates simultaneous exchange of active and reactive power with less total harmonic distortion (THD) present in voltage source converter (VSC) current and grid current with fast tracking of optimum operating point at unity power factor. Standards (IEEE-519/1547), stipulates that the current with THD greater than 5% cannot be injected into the grid by any distributed generation source. Simulation results and validations of MPPT technique and operation of fuzzy logic controlled DVR demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control schemes.
fuzzy logic / maximum power point tracking (MPPT) / proportional integral (PI) / control / voltage restorer
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