An interval type-2 fuzzy logic controller for TCSC to improve the damping of power system oscillations
Manoj Kumar PANDA, Gopinath PILLAI, Vijay KUMAR
An interval type-2 fuzzy logic controller for TCSC to improve the damping of power system oscillations
In this paper an interval type-2 fuzzy logic controller (IT2FLC) was proposed for thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) to improve power system damping. For controller design, memberships of system variables were represented using interval type-2 fuzzy sets. The three-dimensional membership function of type-2 fuzzy sets provided additional degree of freedom that made it possible to directly model and handle uncertainties. Simulations conducted on a single machine infinite bus (SMIB) power system showed that the proposed controller was more effective than particle swarm optimization (PSO) tuned and type-1 fuzzy logic (T1FL) based damping controllers. Robust performance of the proposed controller was also validated at different operating conditions, various disturbances and parameter variation of the transmission line parameters.
power system oscillations / thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) / type-2 fuzzy logic system / interval type-2 fuzzy logic controller (IT2FLC)
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XC Capacitive reactance of TCSC |
XP Inductive reactance of TCSC |
k Compensation ratio |
a Firing angle of TCSC |
XT Transformer reactance |
VT Terminal voltage of generator |
VB Infinite bus voltage |
XL Reactance of transmission line |
d Rotor angle of generator |
w Rotor speed of generator |
Pm Mechanical power input to generator |
Pe Electrical power output of generator |
M Generator inertia constant |
D Damping coefficient of generator |
s TCSC conduction angle |
Xdd-axis synchronous reactance of generator |
KA Gain of excitation system |
X'dd-axis transient reactance of generator |
TA Time constant of excitation system |
Efd Excitation system voltage |
E'q Generator terminal voltage |
wb Synchronous speed of generator |
Xq q-axis synchronous reactance of generator |
X'qq-axis transient reactance of generator |
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