Experimental investigation and comparative study of inter-turn short-circuits and unbalanced voltage supply in induction machines
Fatima BABAA, Abdelmalek KHEZZAR, Mohamed el kamel OUMAAMAR
Experimental investigation and comparative study of inter-turn short-circuits and unbalanced voltage supply in induction machines
A transient model for an induction machine with stator winding turn faults on a single phase is derived using reference frame transformation theory. The negative sequence component and the 3rd harmonic are often considered as accurate indicators. However, small unbalance in the supply voltage and/or in the machine structure that exists in any real system engenders the same harmonics components. In this case, it is too difficult to distinguish between the current harmonics due to the supply voltage and those originated by inter-turn short-circuit faults. For that, to have the correct diagnosis and to increase the sensitivity and the reliability of the diagnostic system, it is crucial to provide the relationship between the inter-turn short-circuits in the stator winding and the supply voltage imbalance through an accurate mathematical model and via a series of experimental essays.
induction machines / fault indicator / inter-turn short-circuit fault / unbalance supply voltage
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