Fault classification and reconfiguration of distribution systems using equivalent capacity margin method


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Front. Energy ›› DOI: 10.1007/s11708-012-0211-0

Fault classification and reconfiguration of distribution systems using equivalent capacity margin method

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This paper investigates the capability of support vector machines (SVM) for prediction of fault classification and the use of the concept of equivalent capacity margin (ECM) for restoration of the power system. The SVM, as a novel type of machine learning based on statistical learning theory, achieves good generalization ability by adopting a structural risk minimization (SRM) induction principle aimed at minimizing a bound on the generalization error of a model rather than the minimization of the error on the training data only. Here, the SVM has been used as a classification. The inputs of the SVM model are power and voltage values. An equation has been developed for the prediction of the fault in the power system based on the developed SVM model. The next steps of this paper are the restoration and reconfiguration by using the ECM concept, the development of a code, and the testing of the results with various load outages, which have been executed for a 12 load system.


support vector machines (SVM) / structural risk minimization (SRM) / equivalent capacity margin (ECM) / restoration / fault classification

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K. Sathish KUMAR, T. JAYABARATHI. Fault classification and reconfiguration of distribution systems using equivalent capacity margin method. Front Energ, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11708-012-0211-0


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This paper was supported by the management of VIT University.
Appendix A
SwitchMax capacity/ampCurrent flowing/ampSwitch status
Appendix B (Training data)


2014 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
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