Tackling global electricity shortage through human power: Technical opportunities from direct or indirect utilizations of the pervasive and green human energy

Dan DAI, Jing LIU

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Front. Energy ›› 2012, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (3) : 210-226. DOI: 10.1007/s11708-012-0200-3

Tackling global electricity shortage through human power: Technical opportunities from direct or indirect utilizations of the pervasive and green human energy

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With the energy and environmental problems becoming increasingly serious, human power, as a pervasive, renewable, mobile and environment friendly energy, draws more and more attention over the world. In this paper, the most basic features of human power are presented. The currently available human power harvesting theories and devices are briefly reviewed and compared. Further, direct or indirect utilization of human power in daily life, especially transportation and home appliances, such as human-powered car, watercraft, aircraft, washing machine and television etc. are summarized. Considering that the total energy from an individual is rather limited, as previously focused by most of the former works, it is conceived in this paper that an important future for large scale use of human powers lies in the efficient conversion, collection and storage of such energy from discrete people and then use it later on as desired. With the huge amount of energy gathered, the application category of human power would be significantly expended. Starting from this point, three technical ways towards efficiently utilizing human power are sketched, which are termed as human-powered grid (HPG), human-powered charger (HPC) and human-powered storage (HPS), among which, HPG is capable of collecting the electric power produced by each individual at different regions and thus can supply unique and flexible power to the customers covered in the area, without relying on the conventional electricity grid. The HPC can then charge various kinds of electrical devices instantly by a human driven generator which converts human power into electricity. Finally, the HPS can store electricity in time for later use. In this way, even for the devices requiring electricity that is strong enough, the collected human power can also serve as its reliable energy source. Meanwhile, utilization of human power becomes rather convenient and timely which guarantees its practical value. It is expected that with further research and increasing applications, human power could partially relieve the current global electricity shortage and environmental issues via its pervasive contribution.

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human energy harvesting / human-powered transportation / human-powered home appliances / human-powered grid (HPG) / human-powered charger (HPC) / human-powered storage (HPS) / biofuel

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Dan DAI, Jing LIU. Tackling global electricity shortage through human power: Technical opportunities from direct or indirect utilizations of the pervasive and green human energy. Front. Energy, 2012, 6(3): 210‒226 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11708-012-0200-3


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