Energy efficiency and carbon dioxide emissions reduction opportunities in district heating source in Tianjin
Gaofeng CHEN, Xuejing ZHENG, Lin CONG
Energy efficiency and carbon dioxide emissions reduction opportunities in district heating source in Tianjin
Building a trading market can promote energy conservation provided that the trading method is determined. Energy consumption for heat supply is huge. Tianjin Municipal Government is planning to establish an energy efficiency trading platform for district heating taking into consideration the experience in carbon trading market and specific situation in Tianjin. This paper presented an in-depth analysis of the district heating industry in Tianjin municipality, and identified the potentials of energy saving and carbon dioxide emissions reduction. Since energy efficiency was closely related to different heating source technologies, baselines were determined for boiler plants and thermal power plants respectively. Three scenarios were discussed for baseline determination. 472 boiler plants were surveyed and operational data relating to energy consumption were collected. Through data analysis, 27 boiler plants which have reasonable recorded energy consumption values were chosen as samples. By analyzing the dataset and referring to the related standards, method of determining the baseline for district heating carbon market was established. Finxally, the baseline for boiler plant was determined to be 52.0 kgce/GJ, and that for thermal power plant was 43.0 kgce/GJ in 2011. Carbon abatement against the baselines above was calculated and considerable carbon dioxide emissions reduction could be achieved.
district heating / energy efficiency / baseline / carbon abatement
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