Induction motors variable speed drives diagnosis through rotor resistance monitoring
Induction motors variable speed drives diagnosis through rotor resistance monitoring
Induction motor driven by vector control method makes high performance control of torque and speed possible. The decoupling of flux and electromagnetic torque obtained by field orientation depends on the precision and the accuracy of the estimated states. Rotor asymmetries lead to perturbations of air gap flux patterns in induction machines. These perturbations in flux components affect the electromagnetic torque, as well as stator currents and voltages. This paper first investigates the control of the induction motor using an extended Kalman filter (EKF) for a direct field-oriented control. It then studies the broken rotor bars (BRBs) fault by the monitoring the rotor resistance. The hypothesis on which the detection is based is that the apparent rotor resistance of the motor will increase when a rotor bar breaks. The rotor resistance is estimated and compared with its nominal value to detect BRBs fault. The EKF estimates the rotor flux, speed and rotor resistance on line by using only measurements of the stator voltages and currents. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method in the cases of load torque perturbation and speed reversion.
induction motor / vector control / broken rotor bars (BRBs) diagnostic / extended Kalman filter (EKF)
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