Intelligent algorithm for optimal meter placement and bus voltage estimation in ring main distribution system
Intelligent algorithm for optimal meter placement and bus voltage estimation in ring main distribution system
The advancement in power distribution system poses a great challenge to power engineering researchers on how to best monitor and estimate the state of the distribution network. This paper is executed in two stage processes. The first stage is to identify the optimal location for installation of monitoring instrument with minimal investment cost. The second stage is to estimate the bus voltage magnitude, where real time measurement is conducted and measured through identified meter location which is more essential for decision making in distribution supervisory control and data acquisition system (DSCADA). The hybrid intelligent technique is applied to execute the above two algorithms. The algorithms are tested with institute of electrical and electronics engineers (IEEE) and Tamil Nadu electricity board (TNEB) benchmark systems. The simulated results proves that the swarm tuned artificial neural network (ANN) estimator is best suited for accurate estimation of voltage with different noise levels.
artificial intelligence / power distribution control / state estimation
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