Combustion and emission characteristics of a turbo-charged common rail diesel engine fuelled with diesel-biodiesel-DEE blends
Ni ZHANG, Zuohua HUANG, Xiangang WANG, Bin ZHENG
Front. Energy ›› 2011, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (1) : 104-114.
Combustion and emission characteristics of a turbo-charged common rail diesel engine fuelled with diesel-biodiesel-DEE blends
The combustion and emission characteristics of a turbo-charged, common rail diesel engine fuelled with diesel-biodiesel-DEE blends were investigated. The study reports that the brake-specific fuel consumption of diesel-biodiesel-DEE blends increases with increase of oxygenated fuel fractions in the blends. Brake thermal efficiency shows little variation when operating on different diesel-biodiesel-DEE blends. At a low load, the NOx emission of the diesel-biodiesel-DEE blends exhibits little variation in comparison with the biodiesel fraction. The NOx emission slightly increases with increase in the biodiesel fraction in diesel-biodiesel-DEE blends at medium load. However, the NOx emission increases remarkably with increase of the biodiesel fraction at high load. Particle mass concentration decreases significantly with increase of the oxygenated-fuels fraction at all engine speeds and loads; particle number concentration decreases remarkably with increase of the oxygenated-fuels fraction. HC and CO emissions decrease with increasing oxygenated-fuels fraction in these blends.
Combustion / particulate emissions / diesel-biodiesel-DEE blend / diesel engine
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