Combined heat and power plant integrated with mobilized thermal energy storage (M-TES) system

Weilong WANG, Yukun HU, Jinyue YAN, Jenny NYSTRÖM, Erik DAHLQUIST

Front. Energy ›› 2010, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (4) : 469-474.

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Front. Energy ›› 2010, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (4) : 469-474. DOI: 10.1007/s11708-010-0123-9

Combined heat and power plant integrated with mobilized thermal energy storage (M-TES) system

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Energy consumption for space and tap water heating in residential and service sectors accounts for one third of the total energy utilization in Sweden. District heating (DH) is used to supply heat to areas with high energy demand. However, there are still detached houses and sparse areas that are not connected to a DH network. In such areas, electrical heating or oil/pellet boilers are used to meet the heat demand. Extending the existing DH network to those spare areas is not economically feasible because of the small heat demand and the large investment required for the expansion. The mobilized thermal energy storage (M-TES) system is an alternative source of heat for detached buildings or sparse areas using industrial heat. In this paper, the integration of a combined heat and power (CHP) plant and an M-TES system is analyzed. Furthermore, the impacts of four options of the integrated system are discussed, including the power and heat output in the CHP plant. The performance of the M-TES system is likewise discussed.


Mobilized thermal energy system / district heating / thermal energy storage / combined heat and power / detached houses

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Weilong WANG, Yukun HU, Jinyue YAN, Jenny NYSTRÖM, Erik DAHLQUIST. Combined heat and power plant integrated with mobilized thermal energy storage (M-TES) system. Front Energ Power Eng Chin, 2010, 4(4): 469‒474


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This work was supported by the Ångpanneföreningens Forskningsstiftelse (ÅF), Sweden. The scholarship to Weilong from the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE)-Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) exchange program, Mälardalen University (MdH), Sweden is acknowledged, and China Scholarship Council (CSC) is also acknowledged to support Weilong and Yukun.
CHPcombined heat and power
CTESchemical thermal energy storage
DHdistrict heating
HPSThigh pressure steam turbine
EEMEskilstuna Energi and Miljö AB
LPSTlow pressure steam turbine
LTESlatent thermal ernegy storage
M-TESmobilized thermal energy storage
PCMphase change material
TESthermal energy storage
Fflow rate/(kg·s-1)


2014 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
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