Thin-liquid-film evaporation at contact line

Hao WANG, Zhenai PAN, Zhao CHEN

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Front. Energy ›› 2009, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (2) : 141-151. DOI: 10.1007/s11708-009-0020-2

Thin-liquid-film evaporation at contact line

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When a liquid wets a solid wall, the extended meniscus near the contact line may be divided into three regions: a nonevaporating region, where the liquid is adsorbed on the wall; a transition region or thin-film region, where effects of long-range molecular forces (disjoining pressure) are felt; and an intrinsic meniscus region, where capillary forces dominate. The thin liquid film, with thickness from nanometers up to micrometers, covering the transition region and part of intrinsic meniscus, is gaining interest due to its high heat transfer rates. In this paper, a review was made of the researches on thin-liquid-film evaporation. The major characteristics of thin film, thin-film modeling based on continuum theory, simulations based on molecular dynamics, and thin-film profile and temperature measurements were summarized.


meniscus / thin film / contact line / disjoining pressure / evaporation

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Hao WANG, Zhenai PAN, Zhao CHEN. Thin-liquid-film evaporation at contact line. Front Energ Power Eng Chin, 2009, 3(2): 141‒151


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The authors acknowledge financial support for this work from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50706001).
Adispersion constant/J
hfglatent heat of evaporation/(J•kg-1)
klliquid conductivity/(W•mK-1)
m'mass flow rate/(kg•ms-1)
m''interface net mass flux/(kg•m-2•s-1)
M ¯molecular weight/(kg•mol-1)
pccapillary pressure/( N•m-2)
pddisjoining pressure/( N•m-2)
plliquid pressure/( N•m-2)
Δplchange of liquid pressure/( N•m-2)
psatsaturation pressure/( N•m-2)
pvvapor pressure/( N•m-2)
pv_equequilibrium pressure/( N•m-2)
qintegrated heat transfer rate/(W•m-1)
Rmeniscus radius/m
R ¯universal gas constant (J•mol-1•K-1)
Vmolar volume/(m3•mol-1)
xx coordinate/m
yy coordinate/m
δliquid layer thickness/m
νkinematic viscosity/(m2•s-1)
μdynamic viscosity/(N•s•m-2)
ρlliquid density/(kg•m-3)
ρvvapor density/(kg•m-3)
σsurface tension coefficient (N•m-1)
σ^accommodation coefficient
lvliquid-vapor interface


2014 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
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