Thermal radiative properties of metamaterials and other nanostructured materials: A review
Ceji FU, Zhuomin M. ZHANG
Thermal radiative properties of metamaterials and other nanostructured materials: A review
The ability to manufacture, control, and manipulate structures at extremely small scales is the hallmark of modern technologies, including microelectronics, MEMS/NEMS, and nano-biotechnology. Along with the advancement of microfabrication technology, more and more investigations have been performed in recent years to understand the influence of microstructures on radiative properties. The key to the enhancement of performance is through the modification of the reflection and transmission properties of electromagnetic waves and thermal emission spectra using one-, two-, or three-dimensional micro/nanostructures. This review focuses on recent developments in metamaterials–manmade materials with exotic optical properties, and other nanostructured materials, such as gratings and photonic crystals, for application in radiative energy transfer and energy conversion systems.
metamaterial / nanostructured material / thermal radiative property / radiative energy transfer
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