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ISSN 2095-1701 (Print)
ISSN 2095-1698 (Online)
CN 11-6017/TK
Postal Subscription Code 80-972
原刊名 Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China
2018 Impact Factor: 1.701
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  • 2016年, 第10卷 第1期 出版日期:2016-02-29
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    Does oil price affect the value of firms? Evidence from Tunisian listed firms
    Kaouther ZAABOUTI, Ezzeddine BEN MOHAMED, Abdelfettah BOURI
    Frontiers in Energy. 2016, 10 (1): 1-13.
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    A new debate on the potential impact of oil price changes on the value of firms was initiated in this paper. Using a stochastic frontier approach, an attempt was made to derive the optimal value Q* of firms and calculate the Q value observed. Then the shortfall (Q*–Q) which represents the inefficiency term was explained. Starting from 19 industrial Tunisian firms listed on the Tunis Stock Exchange between 2007 and 2011, the fact that variation of oil prices can largely explain distortions in the value of firms was empirically demonstrated.

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    Active fuel design—A way to manage the right fuel for HCCI engines
    Zhen HUANG, Zhongzhao LI, Jianyong ZHANG, Xingcai LU, Junhua FANG, Dong HAN
    Frontiers in Energy. 2016, 10 (1): 14-28.
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    Homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines feature high thermal efficiency and ultralow emissions compared to gasoline engines. However, unlike SI engines, HCCI combustion does not have a direct way to trigger the in-cylinder combustion. Therefore, gasoline HCCI combustion is facing challenges in the control of ignition and, combustion, and operational range extension. In this paper, an active fuel design concept was proposed to explore a potential pathway to optimize the HCCI engine combustion and broaden its operational range. The active fuel design concept was realized by real time control of dual-fuel (gasoline and n-heptane) port injection, with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) rate and intake temperature adjusted. It was found that the cylinder-to-cylinder variation in HCCI combustion could be effectively reduced by the optimization in fuel injection proportion, and that the rapid transition process from SI to HCCI could be realized. The active fuel design technology could significantly increase the adaptability of HCCI combustion to increased EGR rate and reduced intake temperature. Active fuel design was shown to broaden the operational HCCI load to 9.3 bar indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP). HCCI operation was used by up to 70% of the SI mode load while reducing fuel consumption and nitrogen oxides emissions. Therefore, the active fuel design technology could manage the right fuel for clean engine combustion, and provide a potential pathway for engine fuel diversification and future engine concept.

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    Water film coated composite liquid metal marble and its fluidic impact dynamics phenomenon
    Yujie DING,Jing LIU
    Frontiers in Energy. 2016, 10 (1): 29-36.
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    A composite liquid metal marble made of metal droplet coated with water film was proposed and its impact dynamics phenomenon was disclosed. After encapsulating the liquid metal into water droplets, the fabricated liquid marble successfully avoided being oxygenized by the metal fluid and thus significantly improved its many physical capabilities such as surface tension modification and shape control. The striking behaviors of the composite liquid metal marbles on a substrate at room temperature were experimentally investigated in a high speed imaging way. It was disclosed that such marbles could disintegrate, merge, and even rebound when impacting the substrate, unlike the existing dynamic fluidic behaviors of liquid marble or metal droplet. The mechanisms lying behind these features were preliminarily interpreted. This fundamental finding raised profound multiphase fluid mechanics for understanding the complex liquid composite which was also critical for a variety of practical applications such as liquid metal jet cooling, inkjet printed electronics, 3D printing or metal particle fabrication etc.

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    Simulation and experimental improvement on a small-scale Stirling thermo-acoustic engine
    Mao CHEN,Yonglin JU
    Frontiers in Energy. 2016, 10 (1): 37-45.
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    Compared with the traditional engines, the thermo-acoustic engines are relatively new and can act as the linear compressors for refrigerators. Many institutes have shown great interest in this kind of machine for its absence of moving mechanical part. In this paper, the influence of the dimensions of the main parts of the small-scale Stirling thermo-acoustic engine was numerically simulated using a computer code called DeltaEC. The resonator and the resonator cavity were found to be the most convenient and effective in improving the performance of the engine. Based on the numerical simulation, a small-scale Stirling thermo-acoustic engine were constructed and experimentally investigated. Currently, with a resonator length of only 1 m, the working frequency of the engine was decreased to 90 Hz and the onset temperature difference was decreased to 198.2 K.

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    A novel method for reliability and risk evaluation of wind energy conversion systems considering wind speed correlation
    Seyed Mohsen MIRYOUSEFI AVAL, Amir AHADI, Hosein HAYATI
    Frontiers in Energy. 2016, 10 (1): 46-56.
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    This paper investigates an analytical approach for the reliability modeling of doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbines. At present, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, wind speed and wind turbine generator outage have not been addressed simultaneously. In this paper, a novel methodology based on the Weibull-Markov method is proposed for evaluating the probabilistic reliability of the bulk electric power systems, including DFIG wind turbines, considering wind speed and wind turbine generator outage. The proposed model is presented in terms of appropriate wind speed modeling as well as capacity outage probability table (COPT), considering component failures of the wind turbine generators. Based on the proposed method, the COPT of the wind farm has been developed and utilized on the IEEE RBTS to estimate the well-known reliability and sensitive indices. The simulation results reveal the importance of inclusion of wind turbine generator outage as well as wind speed in the reliability assessment of the wind farms. Moreover, the proposed method reduces the complexity of using analytical methods and provides an accurate reliability model for the wind turbines. Furthermore, several case studies are considered to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in practical applications.

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    Effect of heat transfer coefficient of steam turbine rotor on thermal stress field under off-design condition
    Jie GUO,Danmei XIE,Hengliang ZHANG,Wei JIANG,Yan ZHOU
    Frontiers in Energy. 2016, 10 (1): 57-64.
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    The precise calculation of temperature and thermal stress field of steam turbine rotor under off-design conditions is of paramount significance for safe and economic operation, in which an accurate calculation of heat transfer (HT) coefficient plays a decisive role. HT coefficient changes dramatically along with working conditions. First, a finite element analysis of rotor model, applied with ordinary rotor materials, has been conducted to investigate the temperature and thermal stress difference along with the change of HT coefficient from 20 W/(m2·°C) to 20000 W/(m2·°C). Next, the differentiation between existing empirical formulas has been analyzed from the aspect of physical significance of non-dimension parameters. Finally, a verifying case of the cold startup of a 1000MW unit has been proceeded. The result shows that the accuracy of coefficient calculation when steam parameters are low has a greater influence on that of rotor temperature and thermal stress, which means a precise empirical HT coefficient formula, like the Sarkar formula is strongly recommended. When steam parameters are high and HT coefficient is larger than 104 W/(m2·°C), there will be barely any influence on the calculation of thermal stress. This research plays a constructive role in the calculation and analysis of thermal stress.

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    Pathway to energy technical innovation and commercialization based on Internet plus DES
    Huiping LIU
    Frontiers in Energy. 2016, 10 (1): 65-78.
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    The distributed energy system (DES) is a type of energy cascade utilization on the client side or close to the client, and it has become an important option of global energy transformation. In China, based on the experience of demonstration projects, the DES is now being commercialized. Under the new opportunity of energy production and consumption promoted by the national “Internet Plus” action plan, the development of the DES was reviewed in this paper; four categories of market demand and five key issues for DES deployment were analyzed; five types of potential DES users and five key points of technical path implementation proposed based on many years of engineering practices and hundreds of project case studies were proposed. 4E elements should be used to evaluate and choose the project and lead the innovation model of DES by energy production and consumption revolution with the sustainable development of the Internet plus DES. The future innovation models include intelligent energy modularity and menu-type services with the demands of the client side, and the kind of new thinking for DES services that “you are in charge of your own energy production and consumption, while we are also at service when needed for installation and maintenance.” The aim of innovation mode is to give the energy sovereign back to the people, and form a perfect Internet plus DES ecosystem.

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    A low power, eco-friendly multipurpose thermoelectric refrigerator
    N. Jagan Mohan REDDY
    Frontiers in Energy. 2016, 10 (1): 79-87.
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    There has been an immense endeavor to mitigate global warming in spite of which it has only been worse. This paper presents the design and implementation of a low power and eco-friendly refrigeration system using the thermoelectric effect. The conventional refrigerators make use of complex mechanisms which involves synchronous operation of various units, namely the compressor, condensers, expansion valves, evaporator, refrigerant and so on. But a thermoelectric refrigerator exploits the principle of the Peltier effect, thus avoiding the utilization of these complex components. This even helps curb the release of harmful chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) into the atmosphere which contributes to the increase in global temperature. Moreover, the temperature can be controlled and set to required values with the help of a microcontroller. Hence, this can be used both for domestic and commercial purposes. The unit does not eject any harmful gases. Therefore, the heat expelled from the unit can be tapped for heating utilities, making the use of this device versatile in its application. Thus this proposal aims not only at reducing the air pollutants by not contributing to it but also at reducing the power consumption.

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    Structure improvement and strength finite element analysis of VHP welded rotor of 700°C USC steam turbine
    Jinyuan SHI,Zhicheng DENG,Yong WANG,Yu YANG
    Frontiers in Energy. 2016, 10 (1): 88-104.
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    The optimized structure strength design and finite element analysis method for very high pressure (VHP) rotors of the 700°C ultra-super-critical (USC) steam turbine are presented. The main parameters of steam and the steam thermal parameters of blade stages of VHP welded rotors as well as the start and shutdown curves of the steam turbine are determined. The structure design feature, the mechanical models and the typical position of stress analysis of the VHP welded rotors are introduced. The steady and transient finite element analysis are implemented for steady condition, start and shutdown process, including steady rated condition, 110% rated speed, 120% rated speed, cold start, warm start, hot start, very hot start, sliding-pressure shutdown, normal shutdown and emergency shutdown, to obtain the temperature and stress distribution as well as the stress ratio of the welded rotor. The strength design criteria and strength analysis results of the welded rotor are given. The results show that the strength design of improved structure of the VHP welded rotor of the 700°C USC steam turbine is safe at the steady condition and during the transient start or shutdown process.

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    Day-ahead electricity price forecasting using back propagation neural networks and weighted least square technique
    S. Surender REDDY, Chan-Mook JUNG, Ko Jun SEOG
    Frontiers in Energy. 2016, 10 (1): 105-113.
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    This paper proposes the day-ahead electricity price forecasting using the artificial neural networks (ANN) and weighted least square (WLS) technique in the restructured electricity markets. Price forecasting is very important for online trading, e-commerce and power system operation. Forecasting the hourly locational marginal prices (LMP) in the electricity markets is a very important basis for the decision making in order to maximize the profits/benefits. The novel approach proposed in this paper for forecasting the electricity prices uses WLS technique and compares the results with the results obtained by using ANNs. To perform this price forecasting, the market knowledge is utilized to optimize the selection of input data for the electricity price forecasting tool. In this paper, price forecasting for Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland (PJM) interconnection is demonstrated using the ANNs and the proposed WLS technique. The data used for this price forecasting is obtained from the PJM website. The forecasting results obtained by both methods are compared, which shows the effectiveness of the proposed forecasting approach. From the simulation results, it can be observed that the accuracy of prediction has increased in both seasons using the proposed WLS technique. Another important advantage of the proposed WLS technique is that it is not an iterative method.

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    Prediction of performance, combustion and emission characteristics of diesel-thermal cracked cashew nut shell liquid blends using artificial neural network
    Frontiers in Energy. 2016, 10 (1): 114-124.
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    This paper explores the use of artificial neural networks (ANN) to predict performance, combustion and emissions of a single cylinder, four stroke stationary, diesel engine operated by thermal cracked cashew nut shell liquid (TC-CNSL) as the biodiesel blended with diesel. The tests were performed at three different injection timings (21°, 23°, 25°CA bTDC) by changing the thickness of the advance shim. The ANN was used to predict eight different engine-output responses, namely brake thermal efficiency (BTE), brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), exhaust gas temperature (EGT), carbon monoxide (CO), oxide of nitrogen (NOx), hydrocarbon (HC), maximum pressure (Pmax) and heat release rate (HRR). Four pertinent engine operating parameters, i.e., injection timing (IT), injection pressure (IP), blend percentage and pecentage load were used as the input parameters for this modeling work. The ANN results show that there is a good correlation between the ANN predicted values and the experimental values for various engine performances, combustion parameters and exhaust emission characteristics. The mean square error value (MSE) is 0.005621 and the regression value of R2 is 0.99316 for training, 0.98812 for validation, 0.9841 for testing while the overall value is 0.99173. Thus the developed ANN model is fairly powerful for predicting the performance, combustion and exhaust emissions of internal combustion engines.

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