Comparing the appearance and phytochemical characterization of dried lily ( L. davidii var. unicolor) bulbs processed by different drying technologies
Lu Mi, Shini Yang, Xue Wang, Lei Xu, Yuhong Lin, Shuming Yang, Zhenzhen Xu
Food Innovation and Advances ›› 2024, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (3) : 212-221.
Comparing the appearance and phytochemical characterization of dried lily ( L. davidii var. unicolor) bulbs processed by different drying technologies
Lily bulbs are valued for their health benefits, and drying is a common method for their preservation. This study employed untargeted metabolomics using UHPLC-QTOF-MS to analyze the phytochemical profiles of lily bulbs dried by hot air (HD), microwave (MD), and vacuum freeze (FD) methods. In terms of appearance, FD samples exhibited minimal browning and wrinkling, while HD bulbs showed the most severe changes. Nineteen potential markers were identified, with HD samples showing higher levels of bitter amino acids, peptides, and N-fructosyl phenylalanine. The markers of FD samples were glutamine, coumarin, and p-coumaric acid. Notably, eleutheroside E was detected in lily bulbs for the first time and confirmed as an MD marker, with levels 1.51-fold and 6.19-fold higher than in FD and HD samples, respectively. MD method shows promise for enriching bioactive compounds in dried lily bulbs.
Lilium davidii var. unicolor / Metabolomics / Phytochemicals / Markers / Eleutheroside E / Drying technology
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