Infrared guided smart food formulation: an innovative spectral reconstruction strategy to develop anticipated and constant apple puree products
Zhenjie Wang, Sylvie Bureau, Benoit Jaillais, Catherine M. G. C. Renard, Xiao Chen, Yali Sun, Daizhu Lv, Leiqing Pan, Weijie Lan
Food Innovation and Advances ›› 2024, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (1) : 20-30.
Infrared guided smart food formulation: an innovative spectral reconstruction strategy to develop anticipated and constant apple puree products
An innovative chemometric method was developed to exploit visible and near-infrared (Vis-NIR) spectroscopy to guide food formulation to reach the anticipated and constant quality of final products. First, a total of 671 spectral variables related to the puree quality characteristics were identified by spectral variable selection methods. Second, the concentration profiles from multivariate curve resolution-alternative least squares (MCR-ALS) made it possible to reconstruct the identified spectral variables of formulated purees. Partial least square based on the reconstructed Vis-NIR spectral variables was evidenced to predict the final puree quality, such as a* values (RPD = 3.30), total sugars (RPD = 2.64), titratable acidity (RPD = 2.55) and malic acid (RPD = 2.67), based only on the spectral data of composed puree cultivars. These results open the possibility of controlling puree formulation: a multiparameter optimization of the color and taste of final puree products can be obtained using only the Vis-NIR spectral data of single-cultivar purees.
Malus domestica Borkh. / Puree processing / Formulation guidance / Spectral variable selection.
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