Marine proteins and peptides: Production, biological activities, and potential applications
Ilekuttige Priyan Shanura Fernando, Thilina U. Jayawardena, Jianping Wu
Food Innovation and Advances ›› 2023, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (2) : 69-84.
Marine proteins and peptides: Production, biological activities, and potential applications
Marine protein hydrolysates and peptides have grown in popularity due to their biological activities and robust properties. They are increasingly studied in the functional food, pharmaceutical, and cosmeceutical sectors. This article discusses the current knowledge about preparing protein hydrolysates and peptides from seaweed, seafood, and seafood processing byproducts. Gaps in knowledge and technical expertise required for their industrial integration have been identified. The desire for natural substances to use as functional food has gained prevalence as consumers have become more aware of the adverse side effects of synthetic drugs. Aging-related chronic diseases, including cancer, arteriosclerosis, and diabetes, can be prevented by actively introducing food-based functional ingredients. Marine-derived proteins and peptides still face several hurdles to commercialization, such as scaling up production and maintaining a sustainable supply of raw materials. Further understanding of the physiological functionalities, action mechanisms, and clinical efficacy of these peptides and proteins would facilitate their use in biomedical applications and as functional ingredients in food and cosmetics.
Marine / Proteins / Bioactive peptides / Protein hydrolysates / Fish proteins / ACE-inhibitory peptides
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