Odour reducing microbial-mineral additive for poultry manure treatment

Kajetan Kalus, Sebastian Opaliński, Devin Maurer, Somchai Rice, Jacek A. Koziel, Mariusz Korczyński, Zbigniew Dobrzański, Roman Kołacz, Beata Gutarowska

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Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2017, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (3) : 7. DOI: 10.1007/s11783-017-0928-4

Odour reducing microbial-mineral additive for poultry manure treatment

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Topical application of microbial-mineral manure additive was investigated.

Mineral sorbent treatment reduced VOCs emissions by 31% to 83%.

Bio-additive treatment reduced VOCs emissions 9% to 96%.

There were no significant differences between applied treatments.

Aroma profile of the poultry manure has been determined.


Poultry production systems are associated with emissions of odorous volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), greenhouse gases, and particulate matter. Development of mitigation technologies for these emissions is important. Previous laboratory-scale research on microbial-mineral treatment has shown to be effective for mitigation of NH3, H2S and amines emissions from poultry manure. The aim of this research was to assess the effectiveness of surface application of a microbial-mineral treatment for other important odorants, i.e., phenolics and sulfur-containing VOCs. Microbial-mineral litter additive consisting of 20% (w/w) of bacteria powder (six strains of heterotrophic bacteria) and 80% of mineral carrier (perlite-bentonite) was used at a dose of 500 g∙m-2 (per ~31 kg of manure). Samples of air were collected in two series, 4 and 7 days after application of additives. An odor profile of the poultry manure was determined using simultaneous chemical and sensory analysis. Reduction levels of VOCs determined on Day 4 was between 31% and 83% for mineral adsorbent treatment and in the range of 9% and 96% for microbial-mineral additive, depending on the analyzed compound. Reduction levels on Day 7 were considerably lower than on Day 4, suggesting that the odorous VOCs treatment efficacy is relatively short. There was no significant difference between treatments consisting of microbial-mineral additive and mineral carrier alone.

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Odour mitigation / Poultry manure additive / GC-MS-Olfactometry / Volatile organic compounds

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Kajetan Kalus, Sebastian Opaliński, Devin Maurer, Somchai Rice, Jacek A. Koziel, Mariusz Korczyński, Zbigniew Dobrzański, Roman Kołacz, Beata Gutarowska. Odour reducing microbial-mineral additive for poultry manure treatment. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng., 2017, 11(3): 7 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11783-017-0928-4


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The research was financially supported by The National Centre for Research and Development (Grant No. PBS2/B8/14/2014 “Innovative biopreparation for poultry production premises”). Authors would like to thank The Kościuszko Foundation for funding the research scholarship “Research on Mitigation of Livestock Odour” (February – April, 2016) at Iowa State University. Special thanks to the Fulbright Foundation for supporting STEM Collaborations between Iowa State University and Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (September 2015 – June 2016).


2017 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
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