Numerical modeling of hydrodynamics in Poyang Lake: forcing and eddy kinetic energy
Jintao PEI, Jiayi PAN
Numerical modeling of hydrodynamics in Poyang Lake: forcing and eddy kinetic energy
This study employed the three-dimensional MIKE model to simulate the hydrodynamic properties of Poyang Lake from October 2020 to December 2021. The model demonstrated high accuracy, with the coefficient of determination (R2) exceeding 0.96 for water level and 0.98 for water area comparisons, indicating its efficacy in replicating the lake’s hydrodynamics. Notably, the highest pressure gradient forcing was observed in March and April, aligning with increased flow rates in the Ganjiang River, affecting the east side of Poyang Lake. This period saw a distinctive pressure gradient front in the lake’s central channel, potentially influencing material distribution. Eddy kinetic energy, calculated from model velocity data, peaked in May and June, and again in September and October, corresponding to changes in river flow rates. This energy was predominantly influenced by local dynamics in the lake’s central area, with low frequencies and extended periods, differing from other lake regions. Furthermore, the study found a strong correlation between eddy activities and the spatial distribution of water materials, as indicated by the consistency of turbidity patterns in satellite imagery and eddy kinetic energy distributions. These findings highlight the significant impact of hydrodynamic behaviors, particularly eddy movements, on the distribution of suspended materials within Poyang Lake.
Poyang Lake / MIKE model / pressure gradient forcing / eddy kinetic energy
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