
Earthquake Engineering and Resilience (EER) is a peer-reviewed international hybrid journal aiming to publish original contributions on a wide range of topics of earthquake engineering and related fields pertaining to reduction of the impact of earthquakes and other natural and man-made disasters.

Research areas covered by EER include but are not limited to: 

      1. Natures of strong ground motions
      2. Earthquake hazards and risks
      3. Structural response and analysis
      4. Seismic specification and design method
      5. Earthquake damage and loss
      6. Earthquake resilience of cities

Examples of topics are as follows:

  • Strong ground motion observation and simulation
  • Nature of strong ground motion and seismic hazard
  • Experimental methods and technology for dynamic testing
  • Numerical modeling and simulations
  • Damage evolution and failure mechanisms of engineering structures
  • Structural health monitoring, damage detection and remaining life prognosis
  • Seismic design methods and building design codes
  • Seismic risk assessment of structures and infrastructure systems
  • Urban and regional resilience assessment
  • Earthquake early warning and emergency response

Pubdate: 2024-07-09    Viewed: 123