Jan 2024, Volume 3 Issue 1

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    Chengzhi Qi, Mingyang Wang, Gevorg Kocharyan, Artem Kunitskikh, Zefan Wang

    • Research on the mechanism and models of earthquake triggering by dynamic disturbance is reviewed.

    • The drawbacks of the available research works on earthquake triggering are pointed out.

    • Some suggestions on scientific issues of earthquake triggering for future research are proposed.

    Zhanguo Ma, Junyu Sun, Peng Gong, Pengfei Yan, Nan Cui, Ruichong Zhang

    • This study explored the influence of burial depth and time effect on the energy evolution of four-dimensional (4D) supported surrounding rock by performing elastic strain energy calculation and finite element analysis. 4D support was originally launched by the authors.

    • The results indicate that the combined support mode of 4D roof support and conventional side support is highly applicable for the stability control of surrounding rock of deep roadways with a burial depth exceeding 520 m, in that it can effectively restrain the area and depth of plastic deformation of surrounding rock.

    • Moreover, 4D anchor cable support limits the accumulation range and rate of elastic strain energy, which is more conducive to the long-term stability control of roadway surrounding rock than conventional support.

    • 4D support can effectively reduce the convergence deformation of roadway surrounding rock, and maintain stability for a long time, thus meeting the requirements of safety in coal mining sites.

    Honghu Zhu, Yuanxu Huang, Haihong Song, Jian Chen, Songlei Han, Tanwee Mazumder, Ankit Garg

    • Combination of a carbon sink material such as biochar and automated irrigation technology is proposed for regulating soil water content.

    • 1-D column tests were conducted to determine optimal biochar content required for regulating water content within the desired range of field capacity.

    • Water usage is minimal for biochar content between 1% to 3%. This is due to enhancement of soil water retention capacity by biochar.

    • Excess biochar (5% content) can also lead to development of fungi mold on surface of soil and higher water usage.

    Maolin Tian, Shaojie Chen, Lijun Han, Hongtian Xiao

    • Ultrafine cement, ultrafine fly ash, ultrafine slag, and additives (superplasticizer, AUA, gypsum, and retarder) are used to develop highly efficient composite ultrafine cement (CUC).

    • Rheological properties, chemical compositions, microstructure characteristics, and mechanical properties of CUC grouts are presented.

    • The new high-efficiency CUC grouts are used to reinforce the broken surrounding rock and to confirm that grouting can effectively reinforce the surrounding rock.

    Jinzhi Luo, Yanyan Cai, Jin Yu, Jianzhi Zhang, Yaoliang Zhu, Yao Wei

    • The development of the dynamic rock mechanics instrument is clarified, and the three major shortcomings of the existing instruments are summarized.

    • Based on the conventional triaxial instrument, the first generation of the TFD-2000/D triaxial instrument was developed, which can apply disturbing load independently, implementing the function of cyclic disturbance and combined dynamic and static disturbances.

    • The second generation of the TFD-2000/D triaxial instrument is improved to achieve variable amplitude cyclic loading, low-frequency high-level ground stress loading, and cyclic dynamic disturbance alternating with creep.

    Heling Li, Liang Tang, Tim T. Werner, Zhengmeng Hou, Fan Meng, Jingjing Li

    • A data set of China’s (ultra-)mafic magmatic mine was presented, including 1233 polygons.

    • The spatiotemporal extension of mines was conceptualized to mirror the mining-related economic and political realities in China.

    Yijin Qian, Peng Jia, Songze Mao, Jialiang Lu
    2024, 3(1): 103-116. https://doi.org/10.1002/dug2.12065

    • The effects of thermal damage and the loading rate on dynamic splitting mechanical properties and fracture surface morphological characteristics of granite were determined.

    • The surface roughness index Z2 in the axial and radial directions of the Brazilian splitting sample was calculated.

    • Prediction models of dynamic splitting parameters based on Z22r are proposed.

    Liangchao Huang, Yanli Fang, Zhengmeng Hou, Yachen Xie, Lin Wu, Jiashun Luo, Qichen Wang, Yilin Guo, Wei Sun
    2024, 3(1): 117-128. https://doi.org/10.1002/dug2.12069

    • In this study, a preliminary site selection method for underground hydrogen storage in salt cavern was established.

    • Dynamic demands for hydrogen energy were considered as key influencing factors.

    • The significance of each index in the site evaluation method for underground hydrogen storage in salt mines was investigated.

    • The Pingdingshan salt mine was identified as a suitable location for underground hydrogen storage in China.