• Provide a brief introduction about seabed structures and foundations related to deep‐sea resource development.
• Introduce subsea production structures, including subsea manifolds and their foundations (mudmats, suction piles), from a design perspective.
• Analyze the basic characteristics and design methods of deep‐sea pipelines, including subsea pipelines and risers.
• Introduce the installation and bearing capacity of anchors in deep‐sea, and summarize seabed trench influence on anchor capacity.
• The physical and mechanical properties of silt and sand from the Yellow Sea are measured and microscopically explored.
• After the direct shear test, it is found that the section surface of sand becomes rough, with many “V”-shaped cracks. Many particles of the silt structure appear on the surface and tend to disintegrate.
• The X-ray diffraction experiment reveals that the compositions of sandy and silty soils are different.
• A simulation of the construction process of a shield tunnel and a shallow tunnel traversing beneath an existing underground carriageway is carried out.
• The torsional deformation features of the existing structure are studied.
• The mechanism and influence pattern of the “shield effect” of the existing structure on stratum subsidence are examined.