Aims & scope


We invite original research, reviews, and case studies including but not limited to the following:

  • Exploration / extraction of geo-resources, including deep mining and aggregate mining, rock bursts, deep underground surveys, induced seismicity.
  • Energy extraction and storage, including oil and gas exploration, petroleum geomechanics, shale gas, hydrofracking, enhanced geothermal systems, pumped storage hydropower, compressed air energy storage, and underground hydrogen storage.
  • Underground infrastructures, including deep underground space, hydropower engineering, tunnels, underground storage, oil storage, LNG storage, rock caverns.
  • Geo-environments and waste geological disposal, including underground carbon storage, geological carbon sequestration, carbon mineralisation, nuclear waste disposal, coupled THMC processes, fluid flow, deep biosolid injection.
  • Research and testing space in deep underground, including deep underground laboratory, geosciences, biosciences, subsurface imaging, transparent earth; induced fracturing, fault-slip modelling, fracture network engineering, subsurface engineering
  • Planning, design, and construction technology for underground space and engineering, including for health and safety, resilience, deep drilling, geohazards, geophysical surveys, cost benefit analysis, and underground blasting.


Our journal aims to become a source of world leading research and a place for academic exchange at the forefront of deep underground science and engineering. It is committed to connecting an engaged community of deep underground science researchers and engineers at the forefront of the field, publishing research with global relevance and impact.

Pubdate: 2024-07-09    Viewed: 47