Study on creep deformation and energy development of underground surrounding rock under four-dimensional support
Zhanguo Ma, Junyu Sun, Peng Gong, Pengfei Yan, Nan Cui, Ruichong Zhang
Study on creep deformation and energy development of underground surrounding rock under four-dimensional support
• This study explored the influence of burial depth and time effect on the energy evolution of four-dimensional (4D) supported surrounding rock by performing elastic strain energy calculation and finite element analysis. 4D support was originally launched by the authors.
• The results indicate that the combined support mode of 4D roof support and conventional side support is highly applicable for the stability control of surrounding rock of deep roadways with a burial depth exceeding 520 m, in that it can effectively restrain the area and depth of plastic deformation of surrounding rock.
• Moreover, 4D anchor cable support limits the accumulation range and rate of elastic strain energy, which is more conducive to the long-term stability control of roadway surrounding rock than conventional support.
• 4D support can effectively reduce the convergence deformation of roadway surrounding rock, and maintain stability for a long time, thus meeting the requirements of safety in coal mining sites.
coal mines / elastic strain energy / four-dimensional support / large roadway depth / long-term stability control / plastic deformation / surrounding rock
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