Analysis of resonant coupling coil configurations of EV wireless charging system: a simulation study
Front. Energy ›› 2020, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (1) : 152-165.
Analysis of resonant coupling coil configurations of EV wireless charging system: a simulation study
Nowadays, internal combustion engine vehicles are considered as one of the major contributors to air pollution. To make transportation more environmentally friendly, plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) have been proposed. However, with an increase in the number of PEVs, the drawbacks associated with the cost and size, as well as charging cables of batteries have arisen. To address these challenges, a novel technology named wireless charging system has been recently recommended. This technology rapidly evolves and becomes very attractive for charging operations of electric vehicles. Currently, wireless charging systems offer highly efficient power transfer over the distances ranging from several millimeters to several hundred millimeters. This paper is focused on analyzing electromagnetically coupled resonant wireless technique used for the charging of EVs. The resonant wireless charging system for EVs is modeled, simulated, and then examined by changing different key parameters to evaluate how transfer distance, load, and coil’s geometry, precisely number of coin’s turns, coin’s shape, and inter-turn distance, influence the efficiency of the charging process. The simulation results are analyzed and critical dimensions are discussed. It is revealed that a proper choice of the dimensions, inter-turn distance, and transfer distance between the coils can result in a significant improvement in charging efficiency. Furthermore, the influence of the transfer distance, frequency, load, as well as the number of the turns of the coil on the performance of wireless charging system is the main focus of this paper.
electromagnetically coupled resonator / near-field power transfer / wireless power transfer (WPT)
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