Usability perceptions and beliefs about smart thermostats by chi-square test, signal detection theory, and fuzzy detection theory in regions of Mexico
Pedro PONCE, Therese PEFFER, Arturo MOLINA
Usability perceptions and beliefs about smart thermostats by chi-square test, signal detection theory, and fuzzy detection theory in regions of Mexico
It is well known that smart thermostats (STs) have become key devices in the implementation of smart homes; thus, they are considered as primary elements for the control of electrical energy consumption in households. Moreover, energy consumption is drastically affected when the end users select unsuitable STs or when they do not use the STs correctly. Furthermore, in future, Mexico will face serious electrical energy challenges that can be considerably resolved if the end users operate the STs in a correct manner. Hence, it is important to carry out an in-depth study and analysis on thermostats, by focusing on social aspects that influence the technological use and performance of the thermostats. This paper proposes the use of a signal detection theory (SDT), fuzzy detection theory (FDT), and chi-square (CS) test in order to understand the perceptions and beliefs of end users about the use of STs in Mexico. This paper extensively shows the perceptions and beliefs about the selected thermostats in Mexico. Besides, it presents an in-depth discussion on the cognitive perceptions and beliefs of end users. Moreover, it shows why the expectations of the end users about STs are not met. It also promotes the technological and social development of STs such that they are relatively more accepted in complex electrical grids such as smart grids.
thermostats / perceptions / beliefs / signal detection theory (SDT) / fuzzy signal detection theory (FSDT) / chi-square (CS) test
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