FCS Editorial Board Meeting and “Young AE Project”Launching Ceremony Held
Reported on July 30, 2013
On July 29, 2013, the editorial board meeting of Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS in short) and “FCS Young AE Project”launching ceremony, hosted by the FCS editorial office, was held in the first lecture hall of new main building in Beihang University. Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Wei Li, new-term Executive Editors-in-Chief, Prof.Zhang Xiong and Prof. Zhi-Hua Zhou, members of Editorial Board, Profs. Songcan Chen, Dengguo Feng, Weiyi Meng, Xiaofeng Meng, Andrzej Proskurowski, Dongming Wang, Jie Tian, Jian Zhang, Baowen Xu, were all present at the conference, together with near a hundred enthusiastic FCS young scholars. Prof. Wei Li delivered a passionate opening speech, followed by an encouraging speech from Bingxiang Li, Deputy General Manager of Natural Science Academic Publishing Department, HEP and also Prof. Zhang Xiong, who expressed his hopes that Young AEs and FCS could make concerted efforts for common development. Prof. Wei Li issued the “Executive Editor-in-Chief” engagement letters to Prof. Zhang Xiong and Prof. Zhi-Hua Zhou, and “FCS Young AE” engagement letters to the Young AEs one by one. Wei Cheng, the managing editor, presented a general introduction of FCS.
During the conference, the editorial board focused on discussing development planning of the next stage for FCS. In addition, the famous foreign expert in computer science, Prof. Proskurowski and Prof. Zhi-Hua Zhou delivered excellent tutorial lectures to the Young AEs. Prof. Proskurowski carefully lectured how to serve as AE and how to increase papers and journals’ quality by reviewing papers. Prof. Zhi-Hua Zhou explained in detail the reviewing process and working regulations for FCS Young AEs. Later on, focused on tutorial lectures, the Young AEs discussed in group on questions such as how to invite expert reviewers and how to promote the influence of FCS. Finally Prof. Zhang Xiong made an incisive conclusion of this conference.
Initiated in February of 2007, FCS, an international English language academic journal, publishes latest research findings of computer science. Co-administrated by Higher Education Press and Beihang University, it has been indexed by SCI(E) and Ei. The call of “FCS Young AE Project” was started in 2012, and actively supported and responded by many distinguished Chinese universities as well as excellent young Chinese scholars. After careful screening, 112 young scholars have been selected, who will participate in reviewing papers and journal development after the launching ceremony.
“Young AE Project” builds a platform for academic change among young scholars, benefits greatly the further development of FCS, which altogether make contribution to the field of computer science. Besides increasing the influence of FCS, the success of this conference calls on more excellent prominent young scholars to participate in the construction of FCS, who will join in the efforts of developing an internationally well-known academic journal of computer science. FCS welcomes more young scholars to join!
Youth breeds innovation, especially in areas of Computer Science, where young scholars play a pioneering role in promoting academic progress and industrial development that has and will continue to change lives. At the age of 25, Kurt Gödel produced his incompleteness theorems; Alan Turing established computability theory and proposed the model of Turing machines when he was 24; Bill Gates founded Microsoft at 20; Steve Jobs founded Apple at 21; Google and Facebook were both set up by founders in their 20s. Similarly, preeminent young scholars and entrepreneurs, who help drive the academic and industrial progress of computer science in China, also emerge in large numbers at different times.
As an international English language academic journal, Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS) aims at providing the latest research findings to researchers of computer science. Young scholars’ active participation is the vitality of this journal. Therefore, we maintain close relations with them from the day this journal was initiated: young scholars are not only the readers and writers, but also the associate editors and reviewers of our journal.
The 110 young scholars selected in this book will be appointed with tasks of reviewing papers for FCS. These well educated Young AEs with broad academic vision possess unique thinking ability and offer key academic evaluation. As active members in FCS, they, together with other young scholars, are both a dominant force and the future hope for research and development of Chinese computer science. Welcome more and more young scholars to join FCS Young AEs in the future.
The goal of FCS is to build an effective and open platform for academic exchange and become an internationally recognized academic journal. Thus, young Chinese scholars are expected to acquaint themselves with the frontiers of computer science, abide by academic norms, maintain academic morality, develop qualities of being assiduous, optimistic, and persistent as well as work in an inclusive and down to earth style.
There is an old saying in China that I wish to share with our young colleagues: “Study extensively, inquire accurately, reflect carefully, discriminate clearly, and practice earnestly” (from the Doctrine of the Mean - the Book of Rites). May this bring them mutual encouragement.
LI Wei
Editor in Chief of Frontiers of Computer Science
Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences
May 20, 2013
青年是最具创造力的群体。在计算机领域,青年学者更是扮演了先锋队的角色,推动了学术的进步和产业的发展,改变了人们的生活方式。库尔特·哥德尔25岁发现和证明了形式理论的不完全性;阿兰·图灵24岁建立了可计算理论,提出了“图灵机”模型;比尔·盖茨20岁创立Microsoft公司;史蒂夫·乔布斯21 岁创立Apple公司;Google和Facebook公司都是由创始人在二十几岁时建立的。同样,在我国,不同时期也涌现出许多优秀的青年学者和企业家,他们推动着中国计算机科研和产业不断前进。
Frontiers of Computer Science 是一本全英文的国际学术刊物,旨在向计算机领域科研人员提供最新的研究成果,青年学者的积极参与是本刊物的生命力所在。为此,本刊自创刊之日起就与他们保持着紧密的联系:青年学者不仅是读者、作者,还是编委和论文评阅专家。
撷选的110位青年学者将受聘直接承担 Frontiers of Computer Science 的审稿和论文评阅工作。我欣喜地看到他们都拥有良好的教育背景和广阔的学术视野。他们具备独到的思维能力和较强的学术评价能力;他们活跃在计算机学科的前沿,是我国计算机研究和发展的坚实力量,他们与广大的青年学者代表着我国计算机事业的希望。欢迎未来能有更多的青年学者加入到这个队伍中来。
Frontiers of Computer Science 的目标是建设一个高效、通畅的学术思想交流平台,成为国际一流的学术期刊。希望我国青年学者在参与学术评价和出版的过程中,洞悉科学前沿,恪守学术规范,维护学术道德,形成勤奋乐观、百折不回的品格和兼容并蓄、实事求是的作风。
Frontiers of Computer Science 主编
2013 年 5 月 20 日
FCS Young AE list
Institute of Computing
Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Cao Xiaochun
Institution of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Che Wanxiang
Harbin Institute of Technology
Chen Kai
Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of
Chen Quan
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Chen Wei
Zhejiang University
Du Pufeng
Tianjin University
Fang yuan
Singapore Management University
Feng Qilong
Central South University
Fu Luoyi
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Fu Zhiguo
Northeast Normal University
Gao Yunjun
Zhejiang University
Geng Xin
Southeast China University
Guo Bin
Northwestern Polytechnical University
He Debiao
WuHan University
He Fei
Tsinghua University
Hou Jianfeng
Fuzhou University
Hu Haimiao
Beihang University
Hua Jingyu
Nanjing University
Hua Yu
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Huang Di
Beihang University
Huang Shengjun
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Jiang Bo
Beihang University
Jiang He
Dalian University of Technology
Jin Cheqing
East China Normal University
Jin Lingfei
Fudan University
Lai Junzuo
Jinan University
Lan Yanyan
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of
Leng Jingwen
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Li Chao
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Li Cheng
University of Science and Technology of China
Li Tun
National University of Defense Technology
Li Yufeng
Nanjing University
Liang Kaitai
Delft University of Technology
Liang Peng
Wuhan University
Liang Yun
Peking University
Liu Haikun
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Liu Qi
University of Science and Technology of China
Liu Xianglong
Beihang University
Liu Zhiyuan
Tsinghua University
Ma Sheng
National University of Defense Technology
Meng Deyu
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Peng Pan
University of Sheffield
Peng xin
Fudan University
Qian Chao
University of Science and Technology of China
Shadi Ibrahim
the French National Institute for computer science and
applied mathematics (Inria), France
She Zhikun
Beihang University
Shen Chao
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Shi Chuan
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Shi Lei
Beihang University
Sun Dazhi
Tianjin University
Sun Hailong
Beihang University
Tian Ye
University of Science and Technology of China
Tong Yongxin
Beihang University, China
Wang Wei
Beijing Jiaotong University
Wang Xiaoling
East China Normal University
Wei Puwen
Shandong University
Wu Gang
Northeastern University
Xia Mengji
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Xiao Jiang
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Xie xiaoyuan
Wuhan University
Xie Yi
Sun Yat-sen University
Xu Chang
Nanjing University
Xu Kai
University of Defense Science and Technology
Xu Mingliang
Zhengzhou University
Xu Yongchao
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Yan Jun
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yang Yi
University of Technology Sydney
Yin Minghao
Northeast Normal University
Yu Yang
Nanjing University
Yuan Ye
Northeastern University
Zeng Deze
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Zhai Jidong
Tsinghua University
Zhang Lan
University of Science and Technology of China
Zhang Lei
Sichuan University
Zhang Lijun
Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zhang Weinan
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Zhang Yongfei
Beihang University
Zhang Yu
Southeast University
Zhang zhao
Hefei University of Technology
Zhang Zhaoxiang
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zhang Zongzhang
Nanjing University
Zheng Weishi
Sun Yat-sen University
Zheng Youyi
Zhejiang University
Zhou Deyu
Southeast China University
Zhou Zimu
Singapore Management University
Zhuang Fuzhen
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of
Zou Quan
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Pubdate: 2014-06-26