An asymptomatic geminivirus activates autophagy and enhances plant defenses against diverse pathogens

Li Wang, Zijie Yu, Mengge Jiang, Mengyuan Tian, Hongsheng Zhou, Wanying Zhao, Ida Bagus Andika, Qiaoxia Shang, Liying Sun

Stress Biology ›› 2024, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1) : 42.

Stress Biology ›› 2024, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1) : 42. DOI: 10.1007/s44154-024-00176-8
Original Paper

An asymptomatic geminivirus activates autophagy and enhances plant defenses against diverse pathogens

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Plant viral diseases cause great losses in agricultural production. Virus cross-protection is a strategy in which a mild virus is employed to shield plants against subsequent infections by severe viral strains. However, this approach is restricted to protection against the same viruses. In this study, we observed that pre-inoculation with apple geminivirus (AGV) reduced the accumulation of secondarily infected heterologous viruses, such as cucumber mosaic virus, potato virus X, and tobacco mosaic virus in Nicotiana benthamiana, tomato, and pepper plants. Transcriptional expression analysis showed that autophagy-related genes were transcriptionally up-regulated upon AGV inoculation at an early stage of infection. Accordingly, autophagic activity was observed to be elevated following AGV infection. Interestingly, AGV accumulation was reduced in autophagy-deficient plants, suggesting that autophagy activation promotes AGV infection in the plant. Moreover, pre-inoculation with AGV provided cross-protection against infection with a phytopathogenic bacterium (Pseudomonas syringae) and fungus (Botrytis cinerea) in Nicotiana species. In summary, our study showed that AGV, an asymptomatic virus, could protect plants against severe viral, fungal, and bacterial diseases to some extent through the activation of autophagy pathways, highlighting its potential as a biocontrol agent for managing a wide range of plant crop diseases in the field.

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Li Wang, Zijie Yu, Mengge Jiang, Mengyuan Tian, Hongsheng Zhou, Wanying Zhao, Ida Bagus Andika, Qiaoxia Shang, Liying Sun. An asymptomatic geminivirus activates autophagy and enhances plant defenses against diverse pathogens. Stress Biology, 2024, 4(1): 42


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National Natural Science Foundation of China(32170163); Natural Science Foundation of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region(KZ202210020028)




