Transcriptomic dynamics of ABA response in Brassica napus guard cells

Florent Villiers, Yasir Suhail, Jade Lee, Felix Hauser, Jaeung Hwang, Joel S. Bader, John K. McKay, Scott C. Peck, Julian I. Schroeder, June M. Kwak

Stress Biology ›› 2024, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1) : 43.

Stress Biology ›› 2024, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1) : 43. DOI: 10.1007/s44154-024-00169-7
Original Paper

Transcriptomic dynamics of ABA response in Brassica napus guard cells

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Drought has a significant, negative impact on crop production; and these effects are poised to increase with climate change. Plants acclimate to drought and water stress through diverse physiological responses, primarily mediated by the hormone abscisic acid (ABA). Because plants lose the majority of their water through stomatal pores on aerial surfaces of plants, stomatal closure is one of the rapid responses mediated by ABA to reduce transpirational water loss. The dynamic changes in the transcriptome of stomatal guard cells in response to ABA have been investigated in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. However, guard cell transcriptomes have not been analyzed in agronomically valuable crops such as a major oilseed crop, rapeseed. In this study, we investigated the dynamics of ABA-regulated transcriptomes in stomatal guard cells of Brassica napus and conducted comparison analysis with the transcriptomes of A. thaliana. We discovered changes in gene expression indicating alterations in a host of physiological processes, including stomatal movement, metabolic reprogramming, and light responses. Our results suggest the existence of both immediate and delayed responses to ABA in Brassica guard cells. Furthermore, the transcription factors and regulatory networks mediating these responses are compared to those identified in Arabidopsis. Our results imply the continuing evolution of ABA responses in Brassica since its divergence from a common ancestor, involving both protein-coding and non-coding nucleotide sequences. Together, our results will provide a basis for developing strategies for molecular manipulation of drought tolerance in crop plants.

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Florent Villiers, Yasir Suhail, Jade Lee, Felix Hauser, Jaeung Hwang, Joel S. Bader, John K. McKay, Scott C. Peck, Julian I. Schroeder, June M. Kwak. Transcriptomic dynamics of ABA response in Brassica napus guard cells. Stress Biology, 2024, 4(1): 43


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