Bacterial-fungal interactions under agricultural settings: from physical to chemical interactions

Yaqi Zhou, Hongkai Wang, Sunde Xu, Kai Liu, Hao Qi, Mengcen Wang, Xiaoyulong Chen, Gabriele Berg, Zhonghua Ma, Tomislav Cernava, Yun Chen

Stress Biology ›› 2022, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (1) : 22. DOI: 10.1007/s44154-022-00046-1

Bacterial-fungal interactions under agricultural settings: from physical to chemical interactions

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Bacteria and fungi are dominant members of environmental microbiomes. Various bacterial-fungal interactions (BFIs) and their mutual regulation are important factors for ecosystem functioning and health. Such interactions can be highly dynamic, and often require spatiotemporally resolved assessments to understand the interplay which ranges from antagonism to mutualism. Many of these interactions are still poorly understood, especially in terms of the underlying chemical and molecular interplay, which is crucial for inter-kingdom communication and interference. BFIs are highly relevant under agricultural settings; they can be determinative for crop health. Advancing our knowledge related to mechanisms underpinning the interactions between bacteria and fungi will provide an extended basis for biological control of pests and pathogens in agriculture. Moreover, it will facilitate a better understanding of complex microbial community networks that commonly occur in nature. This will allow us to determine factors that are crucial for community assembly under different environmental conditions and pave the way for constructing synthetic communities for various biotechnological applications. Here, we summarize the current advances in the field of BFIs with an emphasis on agriculture.


Bacterial-fungal interactions / Biological control / Synthetic communities / Secondary metabolites

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Yaqi Zhou, Hongkai Wang, Sunde Xu, Kai Liu, Hao Qi, Mengcen Wang, Xiaoyulong Chen, Gabriele Berg, Zhonghua Ma, Tomislav Cernava, Yun Chen. Bacterial-fungal interactions under agricultural settings: from physical to chemical interactions. Stress Biology, 2022, 2(1): 22


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