Jun 2024, Volume 15 Issue 6

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  • Du Xiangwan,Liu Xiaolong,Yang Bo,Wang Zhenhai,Kang Jincheng
    2013, 15(6): 4-10.

    An international comparative analysis aimed at perspectives on China's energy development scope is presented in this paper. By comparing the development course of the energy consumption of the United States, Canada, Europe and Japan, we find that although these countries have achieved the same level of development, they have made major differences in per capita energy consumption. Based on this, we propose the concept of "two types of developed countries", which we describe as "America and Canada model" and "Europe and Japan model "(the latter can be further broken into the "Europe model" and the "Japan model"). The reasons for the consumption differences of the different models are analyzed separately in industry, transport, residential, commercial and public services end-use sectors. In conclusion, based on the comparative analysis of those developed countries and China's actual conditions, the paper proposes that China's growth scope of per capita energy consumption is less than her per capita energy consumption in 2010, and several suggestions for the energy development are given.

  • Chen Jiyu,Jiang Xuezhong,He Qing
    2013, 15(6): 11-13.

    The Shanghai harbor plays an important role in the economic development of the city and the Yangtze river delta, even to the river basin and the coastal zone of the country. As a harbor in an international metropolis, it could bring about the change to the Asian-Pacific and the global shipping setup. It is the need of era development to expound and prove the development of the Hengsha district in the Yangtze estuary. The natural condition of the Hengsha district would support to the future utilization with artificial projects. The mudflat could become land by the induced siltation and enclosure. The new land will resolve the lack of the land and port resources in Shanghai, and establish a new estuarine deepwater harbor and a new city district. The program will also affect China's historic task for comprehensively building itself into a great naval power. The construction of the new marine city, deepwater harbor and marine equipment base is a huge and complicated systematic engineering. Before carrying out the detailed analysis reports on the natural condition, the economic feasibility and the project feasibility, we need an authoritative top design.

  • Bao Qifan,Ren Guohua
    2013, 15(6): 14-19.

    From a strategic perspective, the paper presents a forward-looking thinking supported by interdisciplinary of modern logistics, estuary and coasty, environment and ecology, economic management, and mathematical statistics. It leads to a reasonable solution to space expansion by reclamation. Construction of new deep-water terminal is the best usage of land resources and can strengthen the status of Shanghai City as an international shipping center, thus supporting the preparation and strategic decision of future urban development of Shanghai City.

  • Chen Jiyu,Jiang Xuezhong,He Qing
    2013, 15(6): 20-24.

    The natural evolution pattern of the Yangtze estuary was changed by human activities. The estuary is not controlled by the sides' cape as it did in the past. In the middle of the estuary, a beaded island chain was formed by the Changxing Island, the Jiuduansha mudflat, the Hengsha Island and the Hengsha east shoal, and a new sub estuarine delta is coming into being. This sub delta keeps expanding outward relying on the engineering constructions. The Hengsha east shoal will become land due to mudflat enclosure and siltation with waterway dredging soil. The new reclaimed land area could reach 400 km2 and more than 18 km deep-water shoreline exists along the north coast of the mudflat edge. The plenty resources of the new sub estuarine delta and an artificial island outside the estuary could become a new space for Shanghai City development and a suitable location of deep-water harbor site.

  • Zong Yuanyuan,Wang Zhiqun,Ruan Wei,Lou Fei
    2013, 15(6): 25-29.

    The natural evolution pattern of the Yangtze estuary was changed by human activities. The estuary is not controlled by the sides' cape as it did in the past. In the middle of the estuary, a beaded island chain was formed by the Changxing Island, the Jiuduansha mudflat, the Hengsha Island and the Hengsha east shoal, and a new sub estuarine delta is coming into being. This sub delta keeps expanding outward relying on the engineering constructions. The Hengsha east shoal will become land due to mudflat enclosure and siltation with waterway dredging soil. The new reclaimed land area could reach 400 km2 and more than 18 km deep-water shoreline exists along the north coast of the mudflat edge. The plenty resources of the new sub estuarine delta and an artificial island outside the estuary could become a new space for Shanghai City development and a suitable location of deep-water harbor site.

  • Zhou Hai,Tang Chen,Ji Lan
    2013, 15(6): 30-34.

    According to Hengsha east shoal reclamation projects implementation, combined with the Yangtze estuary harbors and channels dredged soil disposal condition, this paper analyses the main problems of using the Yangtze estuary dredged soil to Hengsha east shoal reclamation. According to Hengsha ocean metro construction planning, it calculates reclamation scale and soil demand, and proposes the implementation principles and scheme of using the Yangtze estuary dredged soil for speeding up Hengsha east shoal reclamation, and gives some helpful suggestions.

  • Bao Qifan,Jiang Xia
    2013, 15(6): 35-40.

    The cargo and container throughputs of port of Shanghai are both listed the first place in the world. However, with increase needs on port from the economic development, the growing development of the neighboring ports, the advent of 1.8×104 TEU container ships and 4×105 t bulk carriers, Shanghai Port's own natural constraints become increasingly apparent, especially the development of space is almost exhausted. In order to find the way out of Shanghai Port development, some preliminary work has been done, and the consensus is more appropriate for building new deepwater port in Hengsha. This paper analyzes the difficulties which Shanghai Port is faced with in detail, and finally conceives a development path based on the Hengsha east shoal in future.

  • Cheng Zekun,Shao Rongshun
    2013, 15(6): 41-47.

    In order to ensure the sustainable development of Shanghai Port and the economical and social development of Yangtze River Delta and Yangtze River Basin, this paper proposes and demonstrates the technological possibility of the port site on Hengsha shoal, analyzes the preliminary layout of the port by the numerical simulation model, and estimates the sedimentation intensity by means of various methods. The conclusion indicates that the port site of Hengsha shoal is possible and feasible.

  • Wu Peng,Wang Haixia and Cai Yanjun
    2013, 15(6): 48-53.

    This paper analyzes the current situation and development trend of Shanghai Port, channels and ports along mainstream waterway of the Yangtze River, which signifies the necessity of the construction of the new port for Shanghai. On the basis of analysis of the relation between new port and main port areas peripheral, the function of the new port is proposed, along with the preliminary planning of Shanghai new deepwatar port, including layout of the port and approach channel, function division, shoreline plan, land area, throughput capacity, etc. According to the evolution rule of the Yangtze River Estuary, combined with numerical simulation of tide, wave, sedimentation, etc, the feasibility of Shanghai new port is analyzed, with the proposition of the relevant problems in the harbor planning process.

  • Zhou Yu,Zheng Weian
    2013, 15(6): 54-60.

    Shanghai is now facing a barrier on its way to become an international shipping center; the sham shoreline and land having already reached saturation point at the Yangtze River estuary. The vital way to solve this problem is to build new ports. Meanwhile, the municipal government has been injecting massive funds to dredge sedimentate the Yangtze River estuary. If those dredged sediments could be hydraulically filled in Eastern Hengsha Shoal, another Shanghai Port can be built there with integrated resources, the handling capability of which will be able to meet the shipping demand in Shanghai for the next 30 years. The mathematical model raised from the practical issues is Monge-Kantorovich problem, which had intrigued and frustrated mathematicians for 232 years. Based on Monge-Kantorovich Model, this paper has designed a numerical method of estimating the gross energy hydraulic reclamation needed to evaluate the expense of the entire object.

  • Ruan Wei,Gong Hongfeng,Lou Fei
    2013, 15(6): 61-65.

    Hengsha island has lots of resource advantages, such as location, land, coastline and waterway. It will be Shanghai's new space of strategic development in the future especially after 2020. Inspiration from the marine economy development and the strategy of coastal cities expanding new space, the paper will deliberate the new space's strategic development direction and functional orientation of Shanghai Hengsha, which consists of five aspects: the international logistics center (free port and logistics center), the modern port industry area, the high-end service area, the recreation and tourism area, the ecological town and village.

  • Che Jun,Ji Lan,Tang Lianbang
    2013, 15(6): 66-73.

    On the analysis of the development of the main international shipping center and the new development trend of international shipping, it is clearly pointed out that the development of Shanghai International Shipping Center is now at the formative stage, and the appropriate choice and development direction of Shanghai International Shipping Center at this stage are committed to enhance the hard strength of Shanghai Port. Throughout the construction of port infrastructure, it will help Shanghai to consolidate its position as the main international container hub port of the world, to accelerate the concentration of shipping resources, and to promote the rapid development of the soft strength of Shanghai Port such as shipping service. So the status of Shanghai International Shipping Center will be finally confirmed around the world.

  • Jiang Xia,Meng Shu
    2013, 15(6): 74-78.

    To promote the construction of Shanghai international shipping center, the planed new deepwater port in Hengsha construction pushes forward the perfect and breakthroughs of the existing port management system and construction mechanisms. Through reviewing, analyzing, comparing and summarizing the successful experience of the major ports in China and abroad, market-oriented recommendations will be proposed in terms of effectiveness and feasibility, as well as the idea of "Shanghai Freeport".

  • Ruan Wei,Lou Fei
    2013, 15(6): 79-85.

    In this paper, on the basis of natural river regime evolution and relevant planning, the relationship ,between the Hengsha land formation and development and natural river regime evolution in the Yangtze river estuary,a number of plannings including integrated remediation project,waterway development,marine functional,environmental protection,land reclamation,port construction, has been researched.

  • Peng Deyan,Qin Xiaochuan
    2013, 15(6): 86-90.

    It is widely accepted that a good inland transport pattern is crucial to improve both the efficiency of logistics services and socioeconomic performance. Based on the inspirations from inland transportation patterns of the well-known ports in the world, this article focuses on finding a heavily water-based inland transport pattern for the conceptive Hengsha Deepwater Port to give full scope to its geographical advantages.

  • Tang Chen,Ji Lan,Jia Yushao
    2013, 15(6): 91-98.

    According to the Yangtze estuary waterway construction and planning conditions, combined with the Hengsha new ports plan idea, the paper proposes the implement scheme for using Yangtze estuary waterway dredged soil to Hengsha east shoal reclamation, and analyzes technical feasibility and economic reasonableness, and put forward useful suggestions for using dredged soil for reclamation. The study of implement scheme can give technical reference for the design and construction of similar reclamation projects in Hengsha east shoal or the Yangtze estuary region.

  • He Yegang,Zhou Yuan
    2013, 15(6): 99-107.

    This article predicts the trends of container throughputs in Shanghai Port for the coming decades by analyzing historical data. According to the requirements of Chinese economic development and domestic and international ports' competition, the necessity of constructing the Hengsha new deepwater port is expounded. In the meantime, the feasibility of building the Hengsha new deepwater port is stated.

  • Lou Fei,Ji Lan,Chen Zhong,Wang Dawei
    2013, 15(6): 108-112.

    Hengsha east shoal is a large mouth bar in Yangtze estuary. The main problem of building large excavated-in deepwater harbor basin here is the maintainability of the basin and waterway. In this paper, on the basis of the characteristics of current and sediment, the basin and its entrance sites selection and the maintainability of the basin and waterway are discussed. The results show that the entrance of the basin should be set in the east side of Hengsha east shoal and on the south of Jigu reef, and towards southeast. The entrance and waterway should be built in the area where the depth is greater than 10 m. If do so, the tidal prism is large; the siltation is small, and the maintainability is good.