Mar 2021, Volume 23 Issue 1

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    Kechang Xie

    The coordinated development of energy, economic society, and ecological environment has always been one of the major issues facing China. Although achievements have been made in some regions in China regarding the coordinated development, varied contradictions and problems still exist. Therefore, China should consider these significant differences in regional development while promoting energy revolution. This study elaborates the significance of regional energy revolution and analyzes the current status of economic society, energy, and ecological environment in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, old industrial bases, the central region, energy-rich areas, and the Southwest in China. To promote the regional energy revolution, China should strengthen the top-level design for energy revolution and clarify the strategic objectives and key tasks for medium- and long-term development. A mode of well-planned and coordinated development should be established by clarifying the functions of regional energy revolution. The pilots of regional energy revolution should be promoted, thus to explore an efficient mechanism for the energy revolution. Moreover, the responsibilities of the regional governments should be clarified and an assessment and supervision mechanism should be established, so as to ensure that the regional energy revolution achieves expected effects.

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    Dan Gao, Geng Kong, Linwei Ma, Xiaohui Yan, Heng Zhang

    China has a vast territory, so the energy resource endowments of different regions in the country are significantly varied. Promoting regional energy revolution based on local conditions is an effective way to break the bottlenecks that restrict China’s energy development. This study analyzes the current situation of energy development from the aspects of energy production, consumption, and distribution, and investigates the differences regarding energy consumption intensity and the driving force for energy consumption growth in the core regions (i.e., the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, old industrial bases, the Central China, energy-rich areas, and Southwest China). The medium- and long-term energy development trends and strategic focuses of these regions by 2035 are analyzed. Specifically, the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region should focus on the coordinated development of energy, economy, and environment; an energy system with regional linkage should be formed and optimized in the Yangtze River Delta; the Pearl River Delta can strive to build itself as a clean energy production, storage, and transportation base; economic transformation should be promoted in the old industrial bases through value increment and diversification of energy resources; Central China should establish itself as an integrated energy hub; the energy-rich areas should build itself as a green and sustainable energy security base; and clean energy consumption should be encouraged in Southwest China. To coordinate energy development in various regions, China should fully consider the significant differences in local conditions, promote social development and ecological protection with the regional energy revolution, and encourage regional cooperation in energy.

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    Yunlong Zhao, Geng Kong, Zhuoran Li, Linwei Ma, Ni Weidou

    Energy revolution is important for realizing the coordinated development of energy system, economic society, and ecological environment. Energy strategies significantly influence the process of national and regional energy revolutions. In this article, we propose a systemic analysis method for energy strategies called SEGO (i.e., sustainable development, energy system, governance of society, and operation of market). Based on this, the global energy transition and China’s energy revolution strategy are analyzed from four aspects: energy challenge, energy system, energy governance, and energy market as well as their relationship. The results show that the world faces multiple energy challenges regarding energy equity, energy security, and green energy. Meanwhile, lack of strong energy governance has led to a low progress of the global energy transition. China is expected to play a more active role in promoting global energy transition. Although China has achieved less energy consumption and less emissions in its development, it still faces severe challenges in multiple aspects such as energy system integration. China should focus on the overall optimization and fine management of its energy system while considering economic development and ecological protection. The co-construction, sharing, and co-adjustment should be further coordinated among different types of energy networks. Moreover, disruptive innovation in new energy technologies and industries should be encouraged.

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    Xiaohui Yan, Dan Gao, Yanjie Li

    Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei coordinated development is a major national strategy of China. This study first analyzes the evolution process of energy production, consumption, and structure proportion in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei, indicating that the overall energy supply in this region is less than consumption; although the region is rich in renewable energy resources, its energy consumption is mainly fossil energies and the overall energy efficiency requires further improvement. Since the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei coordinated development strategy was proposed six years ago, the ecological environment in this region has continuously improved, but the situation remains grim. As energy is the power source and blood of economic and social development and it is also closely related to the environment, the promotion of energy revolution becomes imperative. To promote energy revolution within the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region, energy efficiency should be further improved to control the total amount of energy consumption; the energy supply structure should be optimized to provide a solid material foundation for the coordinated development; the energy technology revolution should be promoted to create a new driving force for economic growth; the existing energy system should be revolutionized to improve the market environment for economic and social development; and the rural energy revolution should be accelerated to strengthen the prevention of point source pollution in rural areas.

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    Lianxiang Ma, Ming Jiang, Zhongmin Lei, Changsheng Li, Yuyong Deng, Zepeng Wang, Zhen Tian

    Based on the strategic background, positioning, and objectives of the planning and construction of the Xiongan New Area, an analysis model framework is established for the requirements for energy revolution during the planning and construction of this area. We conclude that energy revolution can actively promote the construction of the Xiongan New Area. Specifically, energy technology revolution can aid the Xiongan New Area to become a global energy innovation center; the energy operation mode of this area can be reformed through energy system revolution; the planning and construction requirements of the Xiongan New Area can be satisfied through energy consumption revolution; and a safe and efficient energy supply system can be ensured through energy supply revolution. Furthermore, an urban energy supply system that is green, safe, efficient, smart-friendly, and future-leading can be created in the Xiongan New Area through the energy revolution, particularly through key projects regarding energy integrated operation systems, energy Internet, green and smart transportation systems, ultra-low-energy buildings, and energy saving and emission reduction.

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    Shilie Weng, Zhen Huang, Lijun Yu, Xiaomin Xie, Ting You, Tingting Zhang

    The Yangtze River Delta is one of the most economically active, open, and innovative regions in China. Further promoting energy revolution, and building a clean, low-carbon, safe, and efficient energy system to promote the coordinated development of the economy, energy, and ecological environment in the Yangtze River Delta is significant to the national strategy of “Integrated Regional Development of the Yangtze River Delta.” This study proposes the idea of building a modern energy system in the Yangtze River Delta based on the local characteristics. The main features, key issues, and overall integration of the system are further discussed. Meanwhile, the economic, environmental, and social benefits brought by the modern energy system to the Yangtze River Delta are predicted. Furthermore, we propose that a unified energy leading agency should be established to build a demonstration area for energy integration; energy system reforms should be deepened to cultivate the energy market; the Internet Plus Smart Energy strategy should be implemented to promote high-quality energy development; and energy technology venture capital funds should be established.

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    Taoli Huhe, Zhigang Luo, Ruling Yuan, Fuan Sun, Yong Chen

    The Pearl River Delta (PRD) region is the leading area of China’s reforms and opening-up. Promoting energy revolution in the PRD based on its local conditions is important for achieving the coordinated and sustainable development of economy, energy, and ecological environment in that region. This study analyzes the characteristics of energy supply and consumption in the PRD and discusses the challenges faced by the energy revolution in the PRD. Based on the requirements for energy transformation in the region, we propose some measures to promote the energy revolution and open development of the PRD. The PRD region should be built as a national base for oil and gas reserves and renewable energies by relying on the Belt and Road construction and the development of the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area. Both the total quantity and intensity of energy consumption should be controlled in this region and energy technology innovation should be encouraged, thereby promoting the PRD development into a green, lowcarbon, and high-quality stage through the energy revolution.

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    Jishan He, Chun Fu, Yan Long

    The rise of Central China is a major strategy for China’s regional development. In recent years, Central China has gained a notable late-mover advantage. As China enters the stage of high-quality development, Central China needs to keep up with this trend to improve its comprehensive strength and competitiveness. As energy is the foundation for economic and social development, high-quality development requires a high-quality energy system and should be supported by energy revolution. The five provinces (i.e., Hunan, Hubei, Henan, Anhui, and Jiangxi) from Central China have excellent resource endowment; however, the new energy potentials and total energy production of these provinces are inadequate, and the energy supply and demand are imbalanced. In this article, we analyze the internal mechanism of promoting the rise of Central China through energy revolution, and conclude that the quality of energy consumption should be optimized in Central China to promote the rise of this region in terms of economy, society, and ecology. Moreover, the overall goal for the medium- and long-term energy development in Central China is discussed. To this end, Central China should promote energy conservation and emission reduction to improve energy efficiency and green development, develop multi-energy complementary technologies to promote clean energy consumption, and strengthen inter-provincial cooperation in energy to ensure the security of external energy supply. Specifically, several implementing paths are proposed including green and low-carbon development, supply-side reform, innovation-driven strategy, energy allocation optimization, and multi-energy integration.

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    Yunhe Cheng, Hongguang Dong, Jichao Geng, Jishan He

    Energy revolution is essential for the coordinated and sustainable development of economy, society, and the environment, and it should coordinate with regional development strategies. Using the Kaya identity, this study categorizes the energy consumption demand brought by the rise of Central China into production and living demand. Energy demand scenarios for the rise of Central China are constructed considering factors such as gross domestic product, industrial structure, urbanization, energy efficiency, per capita income, and residential energy. Accordingly, the low-carbon development paths under energy revolution are analyzed. Urbanization and industrialization will promote the total energy demand in the five provinces in Central China up to 8.4×108–1.01×109 tce in 2035. Moreover, the establishment of a diversified energy supply system can help achieve low-carbon emission, energy security, and efficient utilization of energy; a carbon emission peak is expected to reach before 2030. China should vigorously develop technologies regarding energy conservation and clean and renewable energies. A multi-energy complementary system should be established in China by optimizing the industrial structure, and the existing energy system should be reformed to realize energy cooperation among regions.

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    Qili Huang, Quansheng Li, Weiqi Li, Jizu Li, Kai Zhang

    The old industrial bases in China are facing various problems and challenges owing to the contradiction between the institutional mechanism and economic structure, and energy revolution is an important support for the transformation of these old industrial bases. In this study, the basic characteristics and development status of the old industrial bases in Northeast China and Shanxi are elaborated, the key problems regarding energy transformation in these places are analyzed. Moreover, an energy transition strategy is proposed for the old industrial bases, and strategic measures and policy suggestions are offered. Through quantitative analysis and strategic study, we expound the connotation and strategic positioning of energy revolution in the old industrial bases and propose the strategic goals for the transformation of the old industrial bases by 2035 and 2050. To transform and upgrade the energy industry in the old industrial bases and optimize the energy production and consumption modes, the following measures are proposed: constructing a special energy economic zone within Shanxi, Eastern Inner Mongolia, and Northeast China; encouraging shale oil development; promoting the comprehensive utilization of abandoned oil and gas reservoirs and abandoned mines; supporting the transformation of resource-dependent areas; promoting diversified utilization of fossil energy resources; building a demonstration base for diversified utilization of renewable energy; and establishing a talent incentive policy mechanism.

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    Hongqi Ma, Weiqi Li, Fudong Chi

    Southwest China is a key area for winning the battle against poverty and pollution. Southwest China is rich in hydropower and natural gas resources; it is also a crucial region for supporting the West-to-East Power Transmission and West-to-East Natural Gas Transmission projects. The energy resources among the five provinces in Southwest China are varied and complement with one another; therefore, shared development is particularly important for the energy revolution in Southwest China. This study combines the energy revolution with the regional development strategy of Southwest China, and analyzes the connotation of promoting shared development through the energy revolution in Southwest China. The strategic positioning and objectives of the energy revolution in Southwest China are discussed. The strategic measures for the shared development include improving the nature gas infrastructure, promoting the efficient development and clean utilization of coal, optimizing the development sequence of hydropower, and encouraging the diversified development and utilization of wind, solar, and hydropower. Furthermore, several policy suggestions are proposed, including improving the hydropower consumption mechanism, breaking regional barriers, implementing preferential fiscal and tax policies, paying equal attention to resource and capital diversification, promoting environmental protection, and strengthening the construction of highend think tanks and talent introduction.

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    Hanxiong Zhu, Xiaoying Geng, Yu Xiao, Rui Cai, Zhongmin Liu

    Both energy security and climate change are key challenges for China in the New Era. Northwest China, especially the Energy Golden Triangle area and Xinjiang, is playing a significant role in China’s energy supply owing to its rich energy resources. However, protecting the vulnerable ecosystems in this region becomes increasingly challenging; therefore, developing a performance improvement plan for energy revolution becomes urgent in this region. In this article, we first analyze the unique competencies and challenges regarding resource, industry, and location; considering the requirements of energy revolution, we propose that the Northwest China should be established as a national multi-energy integration technology demonstration base, a national coal-to-fuel strategic reserve base, and a national comprehensive energy supply base. As a strategic path for promoting energy revolution in Northwest China, multi-energy integration consists of three main themes and six demonstration measures. The three main themes are the clean and efficient use of fossil resources and coupling substitution, multi-energy complementarity and large-scale application of renewable energy, and the low-carbon and intelligent multi-energy integration. Adopting these measures, a Northwest China approach to energy revolution can be formed that is characterized by multi-power integration and led by energy technology revolution.

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    Quansheng Li, Kai Zhang

    The green development and utilization of energy is an important component for the new energy security strategy and the ecological civilization in China. To promote energy production and consumption revolution, this study first summarizes the development status and challenges of China’s energy sector, and elaborates the concept and principles of energy green development and utilization. Subsequently, an energy green development evaluation model and an energy utilization system evaluation index model are established to evaluate the economic and environmental benefits of the energy green development and utilization approach; development goals are then predicted for 2030 and 2050 using these two models. The energy green development and utilization can be implemented from two aspects. In terms of energy distribution, China should focus on the clean and efficient development and utilization of fossil energy, the large-scale development and utilization of clean energy, and the intelligentization of energy systems, particularly emphasizing green coal engineering, oil stabilization and gas enhancement, and energy intensification and conservation. In terms of scientific and technological innovation, China should promote breakthroughs for the safe, efficient, and clean utilization of coal; develop key technologies for deep-seated and unconventional oil and gas exploration and development; and advance scientific and technological innovation for large-scale development and utilization of clean energy. To build a clean, low-carbon, safe, and efficient energy system, suggestions are proposed in terms of energy management system innovation, energy price marketization, performance evaluation, and technology innovation system.

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    Weihe Huang, Jingkuan Han, Yusheng Wang, Juexin Shen, Lei Cheng

    Energy security is important for the security system of a country. Affected by global geopolitics and the COVID-19 pandemic, China’s energy security is currently facing severe challenges. Reducing the import scale of oil and gas based on the comprehensive and efficient utilization of domestic energy to ensure energy security remains a topic that requires research for promoting China’s high-quality and sustainable development. This study first reviews the evolution of the energy security concept and summarizes the energy security strategies of typical countries. Then the energy security in China is defined from five dimensions: sustainable development, guaranteed supply, scientific support, economic affordability, and guaranteed system. Moreover, the situation faced by China’s energy security is studied and corresponding strategies are proposed. We propose that China should make efforts to stabilize the production of traditional energies, ensure the supply of imported oil and gas, promote renewable energy consumption to complement the current energy mix, encourage cooperative innovation of energy science and technology, and improve the energy development mechanism. Furthermore, we propose several policy suggestions to ensure China’s energy security from the aspects of top-level plan, integrated development of gas and renewable energies, scientific innovation of renewable energies, and international cooperation.

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    Jun Wang, Yang Cao, Yusheng Wang, Jianye Rao

    Energy security is an overall and crucial issue related to a country’s economic and social development. It is essential to the country’s development, the improvement of people’s lives, and the long-term stability of society. International energy cooperation has always played an important role in ensuring energy security. As the connotation of energy security shifts toward multiple dimensions, the positioning and main tasks of international energy cooperation are facing renewal and evolution. Based on the latest domestic and foreign situations in the energy sector and considering the new connotation of energy security, this study comprehensively elaborates the positioning of international energy cooperation in China in the new era and analyzes the key issues in the recent international energy cooperation. It is pointed out by the research that the new energy security concept proposes new and higher requirements for China’s international energy cooperation. In the near future, it should focus on promoting the establishment of a diversified import and trade pattern for oil and gas, strengthen the interconnection of electricity with neighboring countries, increase cooperation in advanced energy technologies, and actively participate in and lead the global energy governance, so as to lay a solid foundation to ensure energy security under open-up conditions.

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    Weihe Huang, Yingdan Mei, Lili Wu, Yunling Liang, Xiaoli Zhao

    Energy is the blood for economic operation. Energy structure adjustment may significantly impact the macroeconomic operation of a country. This study quantitatively estimates the effect of energy structure adjustment on energy prices and further evaluates the impact of the resulted price changes on macroeconomic operations using an econometric model and statistical methods. The results indicate that 1% increase of the proportion of natural gas consumption in the total energy consumption raises energy prices by 0.8% while 1% increase of the coal consumption ratio lowers energy prices by 0.2%. Moreover, technological progress, energy investment growth, increased marketization, and energy efficiency improvement are conducive to reducing energy prices. We conclude that China’s energy revolution is less likely to affect the security of the energy economy and the energy price rise remains within the acceptable range of national economy and energy consumption. To better ensure the security of energy economy in the process of China’s energy revolution, we propose that China should focus on technology innovation and deepen the reforms in the energy market to improve the competitiveness of the energy market. These measures are beneficial for mitigating the energy price increase pressure from energy revolution.

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    Tian Yishui, Shan Ming, Kong Geng, Ma Linwei, Shao Si

    Developing biomass economy is conducive to economic growth and rural development; it reduces fossil energy consumption and improves ecological environment. Biomass economy has great development potentials, but it still faces various challenges. In this article, the biomass resources in China are comprehensively analyzed, the industry and its current situation and trend are evaluated, and the strategic objectives, key projects, and policy suggestions for industrial development are proposed. China is rich in biomass resources, and biomass briquette fuel, large-scale biogas engineering, biomass power generation and cogeneration technologies are mature. These technologies have exhibited a good momentum of large-scale development and will be the main utilization approaches for a period of time in the future. The development idea proposed in this article for the biomass economy in China regards each county-level region as a unit and considers regional resource endowment, economic development level, and industrial development requirements. The development goals of the biomass economy in China are clarified as becoming mature, system innovation, and large-scale replacement by 2025, 2035, and 2050, respectively. Furthermore, policy suggestions are proposed in terms of technology research and development, incentive policy, market cultivation, and capital investment.

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    Shan Ming, Liu Yanqing, Ma Rongjiang, Nie Yazhou, Ding Xingli, Lai Zemin, Yang Xudong

    Recently, urbanization, economic development, and industrial structure adjustment are decreasing the number of permanent residents in rural areas in China on a yearly basis; the rural population is aging and the natural villages are gradually declining or even dying out. Considering the overall situation of rural natural villages in China, we selected a typical village in Shandong province as the object for field research. This study analyzes the idle situation of rural houses and the population distribution in the rural areas and summarizes the specific characteristics that indicate the decline of natural villages. Subsequently, it also analyzes the underlying reasons for the decline using the dissipative structure theory, and proposes that a new dissipative structure should be established by opening and activating conventional villages, protecting featured villages, and integrating declined villages. Furthermore, the internal management of the updated villages should be improved to increase the cohesion and self-organizing ability of the new system.

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    Liu Jizhen, Ma Lifei, Wang Qinghua, Fang Fang, Zhu Yankai

    China is rich in offshore wind power resources, and these resources can be locally consumed by the economically developed provinces located in the eastern coastal region. The development of offshore wind power can accelerate the energy transition in China and help achieve carbon peak in 2030 and carbon neutrality in 2060. In this article, we analyze the current situation, trends, and challenges of energy development in China, and propose that the development of offshore wind power is an important strategic support for the energy structure transformation in China. The key technologies of offshore wind power development in China are summarized including wind turbine, offshore power transmission, offshore engineering, and operation and maintenance technologies. In view of the bottleneck problems restricting the development of China’s offshore wind power industry, we propose some countermeasures and suggestions to promote the healthy and orderly development of China’s offshore wind power industry from five aspects: exploration and evaluation of offshore wind power resources, understanding of energy transition, overall planning and integrated planning, scientific and technological innovation, and policy support mechanism.

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    Wang Qi, Qu Jinping, Shi Bi, Chen Ning, Nie Min, Yang Shuangqiao

    Prevention and control of waste plastics is an important component of the national strategy in China. In this study, the sources as well as the current situation and measures for recycling of waste plastics in China were comprehensively analyzed. We proposed an all-rounded tactic for the prevention and control of plastic pollution in China based on the life-cycle assessment of plastics. Technically, waste plastic pollution should be prevented and controlled throughout the entire process covering plastic synthesis, processing, utilization, and recycling; specifically, it includes reduction of waste plastics from the origin by developing new degradable raw materials and their environmentally friendly alternatives, design and processing of high-performance plastic products with extended service life, development of new technologies offering efficient and large-scale capacity for recycling waste plastics, as well as safe disposal of the ultimate plastic wastes. At the government level, policy guidance must be strengthened, and administrative supervision be implemented. At the enterprise level, an effective recycling system should be instituted to clarify recycling responsibilities of producers, sellers, and consumers, providing policy and technical suggestions for the prevention and control of waste plastics. At the public level, citizens’ environmental awareness must be aroused to promote a nationwide participation in waste management. These suggestions are favorable to a more green and sustainable development of China’s plastic industry and even national economy.

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    Wang Na, Guo Xinyan, Shan Zhengjun, Cai Daoji

    Antibiotics are important for sustaining the livestock and poultry industry in China; however, duo to the agricultural utilization of livestock and poultry manure, the risk of antibiotic resistance transmission becomes increasingly prominent. Therefore, the risk control of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in the farmland soil becomes urgent in China. In this study, we summarizes the status of antibiotic pollution in the farmland soil in China, sorts out the problems regarding the management and control of emerging antibiotic pollutants in farmland soil, and proposes some measures for risk control of the antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes. This study reveals that the emerging antibiotic pollutants have not been included in soil risk management and more attention should be paid to the pollution risks of the antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes for the farmland soil. To this end, a strict veterinary drug regulatory mechanism should be established to control the risks from the source. Moreover, standards should be established for controlling antibiotic resistance in organic fertilizers, and technical guidelines should be created for regulating the treatment and application of antibiotics-containing manure, thus to reduce the amount of antibiotic resistance genes that enter into the environment. Meanwhile, human health risks caused by the generation and transfer of environmental antibiotic resistance should be assessed and studied and routine monitoring of antibiotic resistance in farmland soil should be conducted, thereby supporting the risk control of such pollutants using risk assessment.

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    Gan Tingting, Zhao Nanjing, Yin Gaofang, Ma Mingjun, Meng Deshuo, Fang Li, Yang Ruifang, Liu Wenqing

    The Yangtze River Delta is an important industrial and agricultural production base in China. It is significant to pay attention to the heavy metal pollution of agricultural land in the Yangtze River Delta for promoting the healthy development of social economy and for ensuring the safety of ecological environment in China. In this paper, the accumulation and pollution status of typical heavy metals in the agricultural land soil in different regions of the Yangtze River Delta were comprehensively analyzed and the main reasons for the pollution were systematically discussed, according to the heavy metal content data reported in relevant literatures published over the past 20 years. The analysis revealed that due to industrial “three wastes” emissions, transportation, and the extensive use of fertilizers, pesticides, and agricultural films, Cd accumulation and pollution in the agricultural land soil of the entire Yangtze River Delta is the most serious, followed by Cu, Hg and Pb pollution; specifically, Taizhou (in Zhejiang Province) has a compound pollution problem of Cd, Hg, and Cu while Tongling (in Anhui Province) has a compound pollution problem of Cd, Pb, and Cu. To meet the urgent need for the prevention and control of heavy metal pollution in the Yangtze River Delta and considering the main causes of pollution, some suggestions were proposed, including source control, rapid and dynamic monitoring, hierarchical management of agricultural land, research and development of new technologies for soil remediation, and legislation on prevention and control of agricultural land soil pollution. It is hoped that this research can provide a reference for improving the soil ecological environment in the Yangtze River Delta and promoting the sustainable development of a high-quality and efficient agriculture.

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    Zhang Yong, Zhao Yixiu, Yang Baofeng

    Integrative pharmacy is proposed owing to the increasingly profound understanding in complex diseases. It involves new drug research and development, innovation of traditional Chinese medicine, clinical practice of drugs, construction of the pharmacy discipline, cultivation of pharmaceutical professionals, and many other fields. To promote the practice of integrative pharmacy in China, this study clarifies the concept and connotation of integrative pharmacy and proposes future development strategies for integrative pharmacy. The research methods we used in this study includes literature research, academic exchange, and expert consultation. To integrate modern and traditional pharmacy, we suggest that clinical practice guidelines for integrative medication should be established and improved, innovative research of traditional Chinese medicine based on integrative thinking should be encouraged, and clinical application of Chinese and western medicine should be integrated and standardized. To promote the new drug research and development based on integrative pharmacy, the design idea of integrative drugs should be innovated, a drug evaluation system that adapts to integrative pharmacy should be developed,and a new drug development system should be established for integrative drugs. To promote the clinical application of integrative pharmacy, patient-centered clinical medication guidance should be further improved, individualized treatment should be encouraged, the clinical practice content of integrative pharmacy should be enriched, and the rational application of integrative drugs should be emphasized. To promote the construction of the integrative pharmacy discipline, the theoretical and practice curricula for undergraduate education should be enriched based on integrative pharmacy, and educational training and professional collaboration should be strengthened. Integrative pharmacy develops based on the theories and practices of modern pharmacy and integrates the theories and practices of all related disciplines of pharmacy. It is a new pharmacy theory and practice system that can promote human health and improve the existing medical system in China.