Feb 2016, Volume 18 Issue 2

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    Task Force for the Study on Development Strategy of China’s Marine Engineering and Technology Comprehensive Research Group
    In order to promote the construction of maritime power, the Chinese Academy of Engineering launched a major consultation project in 2011, the Study on Development Strategy of China’s Marine Engineering and Technology. This paper puts forward a development strategy and mission through consultation and investigation in six key areas, including ocean exploration, marine transportation, marine energy, living marine resources, marine environment and land-sea interactions, and systematic analysis of the opportunities and strategic requirement for marine engineering and technology development. A policy recommendation of this project was put forward clearly: building a maritime power should be led by science and technology; marine engineering and technology power must be built up first. Furthermore, it is recommended that the national government should intensify the development of marine engineering and technology and accelerate the implementation of two plans: “The Marine Engineering and Technological Innovation Driven Plan” and “The Modern Marine Industry Promotion Plan”.
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    Task Force for the Study on Development Strategy of China’s Marine Engineering and Technology Marine Transportation Research Group
    Marine transportation technology is the indispensable element requried for the marine exploration, ocean development, ocean resources management and maintaining China’s maritime rights and interests. This paper identifies China’s strategic needs for the the development of the marine transportation engineering capabilities and technology. At the same time, it also provides a in-depth analysis of the domestic and international development situation to map out the developmental direction and trends of future marine transportation engineering and technology in terms of the strategic positions, goals, strategic tasks and key areas of development for marine transportation equipment in China. Finally, this paper puts forward some policy measures and advice for the relevant departments of the industry to consider.
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    Zhou Shouwei, Li Qingping, Zhu Haishan, Zhang Houhe, Fu Qiang, Zhang Li
    This paper briefly reviews the world’s current deep water petroleum exploration and development technology, primary equipment, and a overview of the development situation of huge deep water oil and gas fields all over the world. Meanwhile, this study also reviews the developmental history of Chinese offshore oil exploration and extraction from 34 years ago, which began after the establishment of China National Offshore Oil Corporation. At present, CNOOC has the ability to develop the offshore oil fields within water depth of 300 meters and produce about 50 million tons oil annually. The main deepwater engineering facilities such as HYSY981 Deepwater semi-submersible drilling platform were first built. In 2014, the first deep water gas field Liwan3-1 began production. However, there are more challenges for Chinese offshore oil development efforts such as typhoons in South China Sea, ice in Bohai Bay, high viscosity and pour point, high content of CO2 complex reservoir characteristics, remote flow assurance and control, etc.. The strategic development plan for China’s future offshore energy development is presented in this paper.
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    Task Force for the Study on Development Strategy of China’s Marine Engineering and Technology Living Marine Resource Research Group
    To improve China’s development capacity of living marine resources and promote the construction of its maritime power, the Chinese Academy of Engineering launched a major consultation project in 2011, which is called “Strategic Study on the Development of China Living Marine Resources Engineering and Technology”. By consultation and investigation in five key areas including mariculture, maritime resources conservation, deep sea fishery, seafood quality safety processing and logistics, marine medicine and bio-product, this study systematically analyzes the current state and strategic demands of these areas. It also advances three development strategies namely conservation, expansion and high-technology, for multi-dimensional developing and utilizing living marine resources. Three strategic objectives and tasks for advancing blue marine bio-industry were proposed, including sustainability, safety and modern engineering. The study recommended that the China should prioritize initiating two key researchand development programs: the Blue Marine Food Development Project and the Key Technology Development Project for Blue Marine Medicine and Bio-product.
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    Task Force for the Study on Development Strategy of China’s Marine Engineering and Technology Marine Environment & Ecological Engineering Research Group
    2016, 18(2): 41-48.
    This paper summarizes the implications of research on marine environment and ecological engineering development strategy, analyzes the current situation of marine environment and ecology development in China. It also provides a comparative analysis of international experiences in the marine environment and ecological engineering field explains, and the main problems China faces at present. Meanwhile, the strategic goals, main tasks and major recommendations for the development of China’s marine environment and ecological engineering improvement are presented in this paper.
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    Task Force for the Study on Development Strategy of China’s Marine Engineering and Technology Land-Sea Integration Research Group
    Land-sea integration engineering refers to the engineering projects involving overlapping elements of land and sea and play significant roles in the development and operation of these domains, including ports, bridges and tunnels, and land reclamation and others. In recent years, land-sea integration engineering projects have gained momentum and impetus in China and the level of technology utilized in these projects has seen an improvement compared with previous efforts. This study shows that although the land-sea integration engineering has played a significant role in the development of China’s coastal regions’ economies, but such works are challenged by unbalanced development, poor coordination in planning and execution, weak governance of the environment and safety operations issues. This paper suggests that China should gradually strengthen the development of land-sea integration engineering systems, which covers a broad area from the coasts to the deep seas, using pilot programs that are upgraded progressively to full-scale programs due to their success. Futhermore, China should focus on the land-sea integration engineering in the fields of coastal marine engineering, land-sea communication, marine transportation engineering, island development and protection engineering and coastal disaster prevention and mitigation engineering.
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    Wang Fang
    By discussing the importance of martime power in the overall narrative of the Chinese socialism, this paper explores the potent connotations of creating and wielding such power in this new era. This study outlines the foundations of a theoretical system of harmonious maritime power that will be made a reality to support the development of China and the common interests of all human beings, which should be operated in consultation with other nations on a dialectical level. Futhermore, it also argues that China should adopt a new model of peaceful marine development, adhere to the basic principles of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, implement the strategic task of enforcing the country and enriching the people through ocean development, as well as promote the overall development of the oceanic economy, marine science and technology, marine environment and maritime forces. Finally, this paper introduces the idea of transforming China into a new maritime power that is “strong, but not tyrannical”, which require a new approach to maritime power development with Chinese characteristics featuring mutual benefits and sustainable development.
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    Shi Suixiang,Li Zhanbin,Hua Yanning,Cheng Yiyuan, Liu Feng
    Promoting the creation of functional underwater observation information systems is an urgent priority for China’s national maritime defense, its ability to preserve its maritime rights, and marine disaster prevention and management. It is also an requirement of civil-military integration development to fulfill the overlapping missions of the Chinese military and civil government agencies. This paper reviews the current state of affairs and the ongoing trends in the field of underwater observation information systems in China and abroad. This study analyzes the problems faced by researchers and users in the development of underwater observation information system. The paper concludes by proposing a strategic goal, identifying the key projects and making policy recommendations for underwater observation information systems for stakeholders to consider.
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    Zhang Xinxue,Zhao Feng,Wang Chuanrong,Zeng Xiaoguang,Zhao Junjie
    2016, 18(2): 66-71.
    To develop green ship has an important significance to China’s shipbuilding industry. It can promote China’s shipbuilding industry to transform and upgrade, also can make China’s shipbuilding industry more powerful. The article defines the concept of green ship, analysis the green ship technology development hotspots in worldwide. Based on the in-depth analysis of the current situation and existing problems of China’s green ship technology, development ideas, objectives, and key tasks in the entire life cycle (design, construction, operation and demolition) are put forward.
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    Tang Min,Qiu Xiaofeng, Hu Faguo,Chen Chen
    The automation of maritime equipment is essential for upgrading China’s shipping industry and its role in promoting the growth of the national economy. This study analyzes the current situation and existing challenges in China’s marine equipment industry along with case studies of successes from an international perspective on the nature of promoting national economy through shipbuilding. The current paper aims to shed light on how to further improve the automation of marine equipment in China.
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    Li Qingping ,Zhu Haishan,Li Xinzhong
    The subsea production system was developed from a submerged wellhead to half dry-type subsea wellhead to a whole wet-type subsea wellhead. Up to now, the subsea production system has established including the subsea wellhead, subsea pipe network, subsea manifold, subsea remote control system, and others. Until 2014, there were 6,400 subsea completed wells, about 320 subsea oil and gas fields in the world’s oceans. Now, the subsea production system is becoming the leading areas of the deep water. Since Liuhua 11-1 oil field was developed using the subsea production system in the South China Sea in 1996, so far, 10 units subsea production systems have been used to develop the offshore oil and gas filed. This paper reviews the application and achievement of the subsea production technology, on this base, the main research areas and strategic directions are presented.
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    Zhao Xianyong, Zuo Tao, Leng Kailiang, Tang Qisheng
    Participating actively in the exploitation of Antarctic marine living resources is a new demand for the sustainable and healthy development of marine fishery. In this paper, the history and trend of international Antarctic krill fishery is presented, the major problems faced by Chinese Antarctic krill fishery analyzed, and relevant engineering and Sci-Tech suggestions proposed. The international Antarctic krill fishery has developed into a new industry supported by innovative fishing technologies and markets with high-value-added products, with both fishing and processing capacities. Developing Antarctic krill fishery can enhance China’s distant-water fisheries and contribute to the emerging industries concerning marine living resources. To achieve this goal, researches and innovation in fishing and processing equipment and technology should to be encouraged to improve the core competitiveness of fishing industry, whilst basic ecological researches on fishery resources are also needed to promote thesustainable development of Antarctic and polar fishery.
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    Wang Wanzhan, Lei Kun, Jiang Enhui, Li Zicheng, Han Xuejiao, Li Yan
    Since the Yellow River Delta is a part of the river-land-sea system, the paper proposes a new strategy for creating an integrated management system for the delta and its interconnected bodies of waters based on current ecological and environmental issues. The strategy advocate: (a) ensuring relatively even distribution of the Yellow River’s water, sediment and nutrients along the delta’s coast via multiple avenues of dissemination and scientific management methods; (b) making the channel on the delta narrow and deep to economize water volume for sediment transportation to the sea; (c) making good use of river sediment to raise the height of the delta and increase the groundwater depth and reduce soil salinity; and (d) implementing land-sea integration policies on the western coast of the Bohai Sea and its upper area to manage the whole region’s environmental resources and reduce pollution in the delta’s waters.
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    Chen Mingbao,Han Limin
    In today’s world, the blue economy has become the focus of global marine development policymakers. The economic sector emphasizes the sustainable development of the maritime economy as well as a cooperative mode of marine resource management and environmental protection among all seafaring nations. The 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road and Economic Belt is an important platform for cooperation on the blue economy between China and countries along the Belt. Against this backdrop, this paper looks into the driving factors behind this cooperation, including national strategies, regional comparative advantage, government policies and regional environmental safety. This study also examines energy resources, marine industries, marine technologies and the marine ecological environment as key areas for cooperation between China and countries along the Belt. Last but not least, this paper proposes a market-led, land-sea integrated and intergovernmental coordination mechanism which fosters communication and mediates the interests of all sides.
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    Zhang Dayong
    The strategic pivot of the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road refers to China’s policy of bolstering bilateral trade, science and technology, and cultural cooperation between itself and the silk road countries. In recent years, a broad range of fruitful cooperation has become a reality between China and the silk road countries in constructing economic and trade cooperation zones and transportation infrastructure. But the outcomes can be improved by addressing unclear top-level planning, less than optimal spatial layout for projects, and lack of intensive multilevel engagement between China and its partners. This study aims to strengthen the strategic pivot around the basic goal of “five-links” by analyzing China’s foreign trade data and identifies the key areas and construction modes of strategic pivot with AHP and Delphi methods. This paper also advances some policy recommendations for the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road such as enhancing economic and trade cooperation zone construction, scientific and cultural exchange, and regional and industrial cooperation.
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    Liu Huirong
    In order to analyze the value of the commercial navigation through the Arctic sea routes, this paper summarizes the challenges of the utilizing the Arctic sea routes through various analytical modes, including institutional analysis and cost benefit analysis of the traditional sea routes and the Arctic sea routes. The paper proposes that the ‘One Belt One Road’ Strategy should develops and utilize the Arctic sea routes. These sea routes could extend the connections of the Silk Road Economic Belt and become an expansion for the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road as an important part of China’s foreign trade network. Therefore, the strategic value of the Arctic sea routes should be prioritized as a key part of the ‘One Belt One Road’ initiative.
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    Yang Jinsen ,Wang Fang
    Based on a review of existing studies on the development of maritime strategies of the US, UK and China’s neighboring countries, this paper summarizes their history and features of each state’s maritime strategies and attempt to infer their influence to China’s strategy. The findings of this study suggests that, due to difference of historical and environmental backgrounds, each nation took different strategic paths with different features, but their core target was always in pursuit of their own national interests. The success of a maritime power, in achieving its goals, relies on the overall strategy of a nation and its comprehensive national power. Socioeconomic strength and advanced science and technology have formed solid foundations for transforming China into a great maritime power. Other countries’ maritime strategies provide useful data for China’s development of its own sea power.
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    Task Force for the Study on Development Strategy of China’s Marine Engineering and Technology Comprehensive Research Group
    The paper examines current state and trends of the marine engineering and technologies around the world and attempts to extrapolate lessons for China’s development efforts. The major characteristics and tendency of the world ocean development come in the form of advanced equipment and technology, which are used as the main force for promoting ocean resource exploitation, ocean energy exploration and extraction as an important industry to the world’s countries; living marine resources as a competitive focus, marine pollution management and prevention as the priority issue, and land-sea integration engineering as an important part for marine development. In-depth analysis of the aforementioned characteristics and trends allows us reach a list of important recommendations. Therefore China should strengthen its awareness of national ocean policy issues and enhance ocean development position as part of its the national development strategy; promote science and technology innovation; optimize marine industrial infrastructure and vigorously support emerging marine industries; improve its comprehensive management system and establish a mechanism for the coordinated development; strengthen protection of resources and the environment and keep sustainable exploitation on resource.