Journal updates

Call for Papers: Special Issue on ‘One health: challenges and opportunities for soil resistome’
Background, Objectives and Scope
Over the past decades, the spread of antibiotic resistance among pathogenic bacteria has become a global threat. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 10 million people will die from antibiotic-resistant diseases each year by 2050. The emergence of antibiotic resistance is a complex problem driven by many interconnected factors and variables. The multisectoral and transdisciplinary ‘One Health’ concept recognizes that the health of people is closely connected to the health of animals and our shared environment, which provides a promising way to understand and manage the antibiotic resistance. Therefore, the influence of antibiotic resistance on humans, animals, and welfare, as well as its ecological and economic consequences, has reinforced the need for a concerted effort to track and control its emergence and dissemination.
Soils harbor the most diverse naturally evolved antibiotic resistomes on Earth. It has been considered as an important reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and as a site of antibiotic resistance evolution. Despite a longstanding interest in this topic, however, we lack a comprehensive understanding of the transfer of ARGs in soil ecosystem as well as how to mitigate the negative impacts of the soil antibiotic resistance. This Special Issue will center on culture dependent and independent studies on the resistome in soil-plant system. We are especially interested in the practical managements that could control or mitigate the dissemination of antibiotic resistance between soil and plant.

Contributions can include, but are not limited to:
• The impacts of agriculture activities on soil antibiotic resistance
• Risk assessment of soil antibiotic resistance
• Biotic and abiotic divers on dissemination of ARGs between soil and plant
• Transmission of ARGs in the gut microbiomes of soil fauna
• The strategy to mitigate dissemination of soil antibiotic resistance

About the Journal and Submission Procedure
Soil Ecology Letters (SEL) is an authoritative source of information for professionals in the broad field of soil ecology, jointly published by Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Higher Education Press of China and Springer. More information on the journal is available at and  
All submissions have to be prepared according to the Guide for Authors as published in the Journal website at Authors should clearly indicate their manuscript is intended for the special issue ‘One health: challenges and opportunities for soil resistome’, when submitting their manuscript online. All contributions must not have been previously published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles, once accepted will be published online ahead of print, assigned with a unique DOI.

Important Dates:
Paper submissions start: November 1st, 2022
Paper submissions due: April 30th, 2023
Expected Issue date: December 1st, 2023

Guest Editors of the Special Issue:

Dr. Min Qiao
State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Dr. Qinglin Chen
School of Agriculture and Food, Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Australia

Dr. Kristian Koefoed Brandt
Section for Microbial Ecology and Biotechnology, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Pubdate: 2021-09-18    Viewed: 625