Aims Soil Ecology Letters provides rapid publication of original research articles of scientific significance that depict and explain ecological processes occurring in soil. Manuscripts concerning the ecology of all taxa, in any biome in the soil will be considered, and preferred selection will be made in terms of originality, common interest and contribution to the development of soil ecology. We focus on the ecology and biogeochemical processes of soil organisms, their interactions with plants and their influences on soil functions, ecosystem services and environmental sustainability, as well as the applications or development of new technologies, theories and modeling of soil ecological processes. In addition to full-length research articles, the journal also publishes perspectives to present novel essays for a wide audience, mini-reviews of contemporary studies that show significant and novel hypotheses, rapid reports meriting urgent coverage, as well as letters to the editor and commentaries about specific and controversial issues of soil ecology.
Scope The scope of
Soil Ecology Letters is extensive and includes all aspects of recent research in soil ecology. Some of the subjects that are attracting growing attention are soil biodiversity, soil microbial interactions and food web, soil microbiome, soil-plant interactions,soil biogeochemical cycling, soil bioremediation and restoration, soil multifunctionality, response and adaptation of soil biota to environmental changes, and breakthrough technologies, novel theories and modeling of soil ecological processes.
Pubdate: 2019-07-08