Development of a soil quality index “SQI” from a former open dump: Dynamics of C and N mineralization

Bianka Guadalupe Salas-Enriquez, Héctor Iván Bedolla-Rivera, María de la Luz Xochilt Negrete-Rodríguez, Aidé Minerva Torres-Huerta, Miguel Antonio Domínguez-Crespo, Ángeles Iveth Licona-Aguilar, Eloy Conde-Barajas

Soil Ecology Letters ›› 2024, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (4) : 240234.

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Soil Ecology Letters ›› 2024, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (4) : 240234. DOI: 10.1007/s42832-024-0234-6

Development of a soil quality index “SQI” from a former open dump: Dynamics of C and N mineralization

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● Biosolids boost OM mineralization, enhancing soil health.

● Moderate biosolid doses improve soil conditions effectively.

SQI w, with Nmin, efficiently gauges soil quality, simplifying monitoring.


Economic development triggers environmental pollution. To address this issue and mitigate its consequences on the environment and human health, urban wastewater treatment plants are commonly employed to produce treated water and biosolids. However, biosolid disposals pose issues due to space limits and leachate contamination. This study investigates the potential of using biosolids as an organic amendment to remediate soil contaminated with leachate from an open dump in Mexico. Treatments with different doses of biosolids were tested (control, without addition of biosolids; high, medium, and low doses, with a C/N = 8, 10, 12 respectively). The physicochemical and biological characteristics of the soil and biosolids were analyzed, and the dynamics of carbon and nitrogen mineralization over time were studied. The developed soil quality index, primarily based on the mineralized nitrogen indicator, differentiated soil quality among treatments, showing values of moderate quality for the treatments (high, medium, and low doses (0.56, 0.48, 0.40, respectively) and low quality for the control (0.34)). The use of biosolids as an organic amendment improved soil quality by increasing organic matter and microbial growth. Soil quality indices emerges as a practical tool for monitoring the remediation of leachate-contaminated open dump soils in Mexico and similar contexts worldwide.

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remediation / organic amendment / soil quality / biosolids / nonlinear regression model

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Bianka Guadalupe Salas-Enriquez, Héctor Iván Bedolla-Rivera, María de la Luz Xochilt Negrete-Rodríguez, Aidé Minerva Torres-Huerta, Miguel Antonio Domínguez-Crespo, Ángeles Iveth Licona-Aguilar, Eloy Conde-Barajas. Development of a soil quality index “SQI” from a former open dump: Dynamics of C and N mineralization. Soil Ecology Letters, 2024, 6(4): 240234


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Author contributions

Conceptualization, B.G.S.-E. and E.C.-B.; methodology, B.G.S.-E. and E.C.-B.; software, H.I.B.-R.; validation, B.G.S.-E., H.I.B.-R. and E.C.-B.; formal analysis, H.I.B.-R. and E.C.-B.; investigation, B.G.S.-E., A.M.T.-H., Á.I.L.-A. and H.I.B.-R.; resources, E.C.-B.; data curation, H.I.B.-R. and E.C.-B.; writing—original draft preparation, H.I.B.-R. and E.C.-B.; writing—review and editing, H.I.B.-R., M.d.l.L.X.N.-R., A.M.T.-H., M.A.D.-C., Á.I.L.-A. and E.C.-B.; visualization, H.I.B.-R.; supervision, E.C.-B.; project administration, E.C.-B.; funding acquisition, E.C.-B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by Tecnológico Nacional de México (program: Scientific research projects 2021-2), grant number 13254.21-P; and Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) and Tecnológico Nacional de México/IT de Celaya, CONACYT postgraduate grant number 491864.


Thanks to Tecnológico Nacional de México.

Conflicts of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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