Investigating drivers of active nitrification in organic horizons of tropical forest soils

Shinichi Watanabe, Makoto Shibata, Yoshiko Kosugi, Lion Marryanna, Keitaro Fukushima, Arief Hartono, Shinya Funakawa

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Soil Ecology Letters ›› 2023, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (3) : 220167. DOI: 10.1007/s42832-022-0167-x

Investigating drivers of active nitrification in organic horizons of tropical forest soils

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● Some O horizons showed higher nitrification rate than mineral horizons.

● Both total N and pH were positively correlated with nitrification rate in O horizon.

● Nutrient richness in litters supported active nitrification in O horizon.

● Nitrification rate in O horizon increased along with a pH threshold of 5.5–6.0.


High nitrate leaching has been observed from the O horizons of some tropical forests; however, the drivers of high nitrate production (active nitrification) in these O horizons have not yet been identified. This study investigated the drivers of active nitrification in the O horizon of tropical forest soils by focusing on two of the most widely recognized controlling factors of nitrification, total N, and pH. We collected mineral and O horizons from eight tropical forests in Cameroon, Indonesia, and Malaysia and measured gross nitrification rates. Some O horizons showed significantly higher gross nitrification rates than mineral horizons, indicating that these O horizons have a high potential for nitrification. Gross nitrification rates in the O horizons were positively correlated with both total N and pH, and the chemical properties (e.g., total content of N, P, and base cations) were intercorrelated. These correlations suggested that the underlying driver of nitrification in the O horizon was nutrient richness in the litter. Results also indicated a threshold of gross nitrification rates around pH values of 5.5–6.0. We elucidate that active nitrification and subsequent high nitrate leaching from the O horizon could be driven by nutrient-rich litter, possibly derived from soil fertility and tree species.

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nitrogen dynamics / gross nitrification rate / organic horizon / forest floor / acidic soil / leguminous trees

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Shinichi Watanabe, Makoto Shibata, Yoshiko Kosugi, Lion Marryanna, Keitaro Fukushima, Arief Hartono, Shinya Funakawa. Investigating drivers of active nitrification in organic horizons of tropical forest soils. Soil Ecology Letters, 2023, 5(3): 220167


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We thank Dr. Shigeru Araki, Dr. Tetsuhiro Watanabe, Dr. Kazumichi Fujii, and Dr. Kaori Ando for their support in soil sampling, Prof. Keisuke Koba and Dr. Jinsen Zheng for their support with the denitrifier method, and all members of Prof. Funakawa laboratory at Kyoto University. This study was supported by Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University, a Joint Usage/Research Center, and financially supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI (Grant numbers 24228007, 17H06171, and 19J14572). The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interests to disclose.

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