Immediate and long-term effects of invasive plant species on soil characteristics

Irene M. Unger, Robert J. Kremer, Kristen S. Veum, Keith W. Goyne

Soil Ecology Letters ›› 2022, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (3) : 276-288.

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Soil Ecology Letters ›› 2022, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (3) : 276-288. DOI: 10.1007/s42832-021-0104-4

Immediate and long-term effects of invasive plant species on soil characteristics

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• Infestations of Lespedeza cuneata alter soil microbial communities and their actions.

• Soil alterations persisted up to four years after eradication verses a native prairie.

• Presence of prairie vegetation may not reflect soil microbial recovery from infestation.

• Legacy effects of invasives may result in protracted impacts on soil microorganisms.

• Monitoring soil health indicators in prairies undergoing rehabilitation is important.


Invasive plant species may alter soil characteristics or interact with the soil microbial community resulting in a competitive advantage. Our objectives were to determine: i) if invasive plant species alter soil properties; and ii) the long-term effects of invasive plant species on soil properties and subsequent implications on ecological restoration efforts. We focused on Lespedeza cuneata, a plant that may be allelopathic. Soil samples were collected from four locations in Central Missouri, USA: an old-field with abundant L. cuneata, two reconstructed sites, and a remnant prairie that has never been plowed. Soil health indictors were used to characterize soil properties at these sites. Nearly every soil property differed significantly between the unplowed prairie reference site and the other three sites. The reconstructed sites, however, generally did not differ from the invaded old-field. These results indicate that the reconstructed prairies are not fully recovered. Although above-ground traits, such as the plant community structure, appear similar to the prairie, the soil microbial community structure still resembles that of an invaded old-field site. These results indicate that more time may be needed before soil microbial populations fully recover after invasive plant removal.

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Sericea lespedeza / Legacy effects / Soil microorganisms / Soil nutrients / Prairie restoration

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Irene M. Unger, Robert J. Kremer, Kristen S. Veum, Keith W. Goyne. Immediate and long-term effects of invasive plant species on soil characteristics. Soil Ecology Letters, 2022, 4(3): 276‒288


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This work was supported by a research grant from the Prairie Fork Charitable Endowment Trust. We thank USDA-ARS Cropping Systems and Water Quality Research Unit for permission to use their laboratory facilities as well as staff at the Soil Health Assessment Center for their assistance in sample analyses. The authors also wish to recognize the contribution of several undergraduate students to sample collection and analysis. We thank the University of Missouri and the Missouri Department of Conservation for access sampling sites. Any opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed here are those of the author(s) and do not reflect the view of the USDA-ARS.

Authors’ contributions

All authors were involved in the conception and development of this project; IU, KG and KV carried out field work; IU and KV carried out the laboratory work and data analysis; IU and RK led the writing of the manuscript. All authors contributed critically to the drafts and gave final approval for publication.

Conflict of interest

The authors declared that no conflicts of interest exist.


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