Legacy effect of elevated CO2 and N fertilization on mineralization and retention of rice (Oryza sativa L.) rhizodeposit-C in paddy soil aggregates

Yuhong Li, Hongzhao Yuan, Anlei Chen, Mouliang Xiao, Yangwu Deng, Rongzhong Ye, Zhenke Zhu, Kazuyuki Inubushi, Jinshui Wu, Tida Ge

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Soil Ecology Letters ›› 2022, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1) : 78-91. DOI: 10.1007/s42832-020-0066-y

Legacy effect of elevated CO2 and N fertilization on mineralization and retention of rice (Oryza sativa L.) rhizodeposit-C in paddy soil aggregates

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• Elevated CO2 increased the amounts of rhizodeposits.

• The turnover of rhizodeposits derived from N soil was faster than no N soil.

• Rhizodeposits derived from elevated CO2 decomposed slower than from ambient air.

• Microaggregates and silt-clay were the most and least affected fractions separately.


Rhizodeposits in rice paddy soil are important in global C sequestration and cycling. This study explored the effects of elevated CO2 and N fertilization during the rice growing season on the subsequent mineralization and retention of rhizodeposit-C in soil aggregates after harvest. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) was labeled with 13CO2 under ambient (400 ppm) and elevated (800 ppm) CO2 concentrations with and without N fertilization. After harvest, soil with labeled rhizodeposits was collected, separated into three aggregate size fractions, and flood-incubated for 100 d. The initial rhizodeposit-13C content of N-fertilized microaggregates was less than 65% of that of non-fertilized microaggregates. During the incubation of microaggregates separated from N-fertilized soils, 3%–9% and 9%–16% more proportion of rhizodeposit-13C was mineralized to 13CO2, and incorporated into the microbial biomass, respectively,, while less was allocated to soil organic carbon than in the non-fertilized soils. Elevated CO2 increased the rhizodeposit-13C content of all aggregate fractions by 10%–80%, while it reduced cumulative 13CO2 emission and the bioavailable C pool size of rhizodeposit-C, especially in N-fertilized soil, except for the silt-clay fraction. It also resulted in up to 23% less rhizodeposit-C incorporated into the microbial biomass of the three soil aggregates, and up to 23% more incorporated into soil organic carbon. These results were relatively weak in the silt-clay fraction. Elevated CO2 and N fertilizer applied in rice growing season had a legacy effect on subsequent mineralization and retention of rhizodeposits in paddy soils after harvest, the extent of which varied among the soil aggregates.

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Rice rhizodeposits / Isotope labeling / Aggregates / Elevated carbon dioxide / Nitrogen fertilizer

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Yuhong Li, Hongzhao Yuan, Anlei Chen, Mouliang Xiao, Yangwu Deng, Rongzhong Ye, Zhenke Zhu, Kazuyuki Inubushi, Jinshui Wu, Tida Ge. Legacy effect of elevated CO2 and N fertilization on mineralization and retention of rice (Oryza sativa L.) rhizodeposit-C in paddy soil aggregates. Soil Ecology Letters, 2022, 4(1): 78‒91 https://doi.org/10.1007/s42832-020-0066-y


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This study was financially supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFD0301504), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41671292; 41771334; 41877104; 42007097), the Japan-China Scientific Cooperation Program between NSFC and JSPS (41811540031), the Hunan Province Base for Scientific and Technological Innovation Cooperation (2018WK4012), the Innovation Group of Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province (2019JJ10003), the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province for Excellent Young Scholars (2019JJ30028) and the Youth Innovation Team Project of ISA, CAS (2017QNCXTD_GTD). We also thank the Public Service Technology Center, the Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences for technical support.

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The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


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