Microhabitat heterogeneity associated with Vanilla spp. and its influences on the microbial community of leaf litter and soil

Gabriela Montes de Oca-Vásquez, Frank Solano-Campos, Bernal Azofeifa-Bolaños, Amelia Paniagua-Vasquez, José Vega-Baudrit, Antonio Ruiz-Navarro, Rubén López-Mondéjar, Felipe Bastida

Soil Ecology Letters ›› 2020, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (3) : 195-208.

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Soil Ecology Letters ›› 2020, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (3) : 195-208. DOI: 10.1007/s42832-020-0041-7

Microhabitat heterogeneity associated with Vanilla spp. and its influences on the microbial community of leaf litter and soil

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The impact of forest microhabitats on physiochemical properties of the soil and that of microbial communities on tropical soils remain poorly understood. To elucidate the effect of tropical forest stand on leaf litter and soil microbial communities, we studied enzyme activities, microbial biomass, and diversity in three distinct microhabitats in terms of plant richness, diameter at breast height (DBH), and physiochemical properties of soil and litter, each associated with a different Vanilla sp. In the soil, positive correlations were found between electrical conductivity (EC) and total organic carbon (TOC) with phosphatase activity, and between nitrogen (N) and water-soluble carbon (WSC) content with urease activity (UA). In the litter, the water content was positively correlated with bacterial and fungal biomass, and N and WSC contents were positively correlated with fungal biomass. Positive correlations were found between plant richness and UA in the soil, plant richness and fungal biomass in the soil and litter, and DBH and fungal biomass in the litter. Amplicon sequencing revealed differences between microhabitats in the relative abundance of some fungal and bacterial taxa and in the bacterial community composition of both litter and soil. Bacterial richness and diversity were different between microhabitats, and, in litter samples, they were negatively correlated with DBH and plant richness, respectively. By contrast, none of the soil and litter physiochemical properties were significantly correlated with microbial diversity. Our results show that significant shifts in enzyme activity, microbial biomass, and diversity in the microhabitats were driven by key abiotic and biotic factors depending on the soil or litter sample type.


Tropical rainforest / Enzyme activity / Microbial community composition / Microbial biomass / Plant richness

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Gabriela Montes de Oca-Vásquez, Frank Solano-Campos, Bernal Azofeifa-Bolaños, Amelia Paniagua-Vasquez, José Vega-Baudrit, Antonio Ruiz-Navarro, Rubén López-Mondéjar, Felipe Bastida. Microhabitat heterogeneity associated with Vanilla spp. and its influences on the microbial community of leaf litter and soil. Soil Ecology Letters, 2020, 2(3): 195‒208 https://doi.org/10.1007/s42832-020-0041-7


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The authors are grateful to the Osa Conservation Organization for allowing access for sampling at Piro Biological Station. They are also grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Science and the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) call “I-COOP Suelos y Legumbres 2016” for the funded project (2016SU0013). This work was supported by the Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica (grant number SIA-0249-18). This study was performed with permission from Costa Rica’s Ministry of Environment and Energy (R-002-2019-OT-CONAGEBIO).

Electronic supplementary material

Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at https://doi.org/10.1007/s42832-020-0041-7 and is accessible for authorized users.


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