Plant residues differing in C/N ratio in mulch and soil – the effect of the mulch on nutrient availability and microbial biomass is more pronounced with higher leaching amount

Thi Hoang Ha Truong, Petra Marschner

Soil Ecology Letters ›› 2020, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (4) : 317-326.

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Soil Ecology Letters ›› 2020, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (4) : 317-326. DOI: 10.1007/s42832-020-0036-4

Plant residues differing in C/N ratio in mulch and soil – the effect of the mulch on nutrient availability and microbial biomass is more pronounced with higher leaching amount

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This study investigated the effect of C/N ratio, placement of plant residues, and leaching amounts on soil respiration, microbial biomass, and nutrient availability within four weeks after amendment. Young faba bean shoots (FB, C/N 7) and mature wheat straw (WH, C/N 80) were used as low and high C/N residue, respectively. Soil was unamended, mulched with FB or WH only, or mulched with one residue and mixed with the other residue. Leaching with 5 or 25 mL water was carried out on days 4, 12, and 20. Cumulative respiration and microbial biomass N were higher with 25 than 5 mL only in treatments with two residues. WH under FB mulch reduced N availability compared to FB mulch alone, whereas FB under WH increased N availability compared to WH mulch alone. When soils were leached with 25 mL water, available N in FB mulch over WH was lower on day 12, but higher later, compared to WH mulch over FB. In contrast, in WH mulch over FB microbial biomass N increased over time whereas available N decreased. In conclusion, the effect of C/N ratio of the mulch on soil available and microbial biomass N was greater with the higher leaching amount.


Leaching amount / Mulching / Residues / C/N ratio / Microbial biomass N / N availability

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Thi Hoang Ha Truong, Petra Marschner. Plant residues differing in C/N ratio in mulch and soil – the effect of the mulch on nutrient availability and microbial biomass is more pronounced with higher leaching amount. Soil Ecology Letters, 2020, 2(4): 317‒326


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Thi Hoang Ha Truong receives a postgraduate scholarship from Vietnam International Education Development.


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