Conductive proteins-based extracellular electron transfer of electroactive microorganisms
Junqi Zhang, Zixuan You, Dingyuan Liu, Rui Tang, Chao Zhao, Yingxiu Cao, Feng Li, Hao Song
Conductive proteins-based extracellular electron transfer of electroactive microorganisms
Electroactive microorganisms (EAMs) could utilize extracellular electron transfer (EET) pathways to exchange electrons and energy with their external surroundings. Conductive cytochrome proteins and nanowires play crucial roles in controlling electron transfer rate from cytosol to extracellular electrode. Many previous studies elucidated how the c-type cytochrome proteins and conductive nanowires are synthesized, assembled, and engineered to manipulate the EET rate, and quantified the kinetic processes of electron generation and EET. Here, we firstly overview the electron transfer pathways of EAMs and quantify the kinetic parameters that dictating intracellular electron production and EET. Secondly, we systematically review the structure, conductivity mechanisms, and engineering strategies to manipulate conductive cytochromes and nanowire in EAMs. Lastly, we outlook potential directions for future research in cytochromes and conductive nanowires for enhanced electron transfer. This article reviews the quantitative kinetics of intracellular electron production and EET, and the contribution of engineered c-type cytochromes and conductive nanowire in enhancing the EET rate, which lay the foundation for enhancing electron transfer capacity of EAMs.
c-type cytochromes / conductive nanowires / extracellular electron transfer / kinetic parameters / synthetic biology
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