Guidelines for authors


We are pleased to announce thatPsyCh Journalwilljoin Wiley’s Open Access portfolio as ofJanuary 1, 2024.As a result, all submissions received from August 1, 2023are subject to an article publication charge (APC) if accepted and published in the journal(unless a waiver is applied). For more information on the fees, pleaseclick here:PsyCh Journal Open Access

Author Guidelines



Authors should kindly note that submission implies (i) that the content has not been published previously, in any language, in whole or in part, except as a brief abstract in the proceedings of a scientific meeting or symposium; and (ii) that the manuscript is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Once you have prepared your submission in accordance with the Guidelines, manuscripts should be submitted online at

The submission system will prompt authors to use an ORCID iD (a unique author identifier) to help distinguish their work from that of other researchers. Click here to find out more.

Click here for more details on how to use ScholarOne.

We look forward to your submission.


PsyCh Journal, China's first international psychology journal, publishes peer reviewed research articles, research reports and integrated research reviews spanning the entire spectrum of scientific psychology and its applications. PsyCh Journal is the flagship journal of the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences – the only national psychology research institute in China – and reflects the high research standards of the nation.

Launched in 2012, PsyCh Journal is devoted to the publication of advanced research exploring basic mechanisms of the human mind and behavior, and delivering scientific knowledge to enhance understanding of culture and society. Towards that broader goal, the Journal will provide a forum for academic exchange and a “knowledge bridge” between China and the World, by showcasing high-quality, cutting-edge research related to the science and practice of psychology both within and outside of China.

PsyCh Journal features original articles, of both empirical and theoretical research in scientific psychology and interdisciplinary sciences, across all levels, from molecular, cellular and system, to individual, group and society. The journal also publishes evaluative and integrative review papers on any significant research contribution in any area of scientific psychology. A third category of submission is for short communications, which promotes concept-oriented rather than data-driven submissions in a brief format that can be published within a short span from the time of receipt.


The journal accepts full length Original Articles, Research Reports, Review and Short Communications.

Short Communications - Length requirements

The following elements of Short Communications are subject to the limits as noted on length (if these are not followed, the ensuing main text word length will be diminished to compensate).

  • Title: 60 characters (one line) Abstract: 255 characters (3 lines)
  • Keywords: no more than 5; 100 characters (one line)
  • The main text should have no internal headings, and the guidelines for the approximate maximum length are as follows: with no visual element, 1,500 words (main text plus reference, abstract excluded); with a visual element (table or figure), the maximum is 1,240 words.


Manuscript style

APA Style. Manuscripts should follow the style of the American Psychological Association (6th edition), except where the journal sets its own style. The APA website includes a range of resources for authors learning to write in APA style, including An overview of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition; free tutorials on APA Style basics and an APA Style Blog.

Parts of the Manuscript

The manuscript should be submitted in separate files: title page; main text file; figures.

Title page

The title page should contain:

(1) The full title of the paper. The title should be short, informative and contain the major key words so that readers and in particular online users will discover the article easily in online search. Do not use abbreviations in the title;

(2) A short running title (less than 50 characters);

(3) The full names of the authors;

(4) The full institutional affiliations at which their work was carried out for each author. The present address of any author, if different from that where the work was carried out, supplied as a footnote;

(5) The full postal and email address, plus facsimile and telephone numbers, of the author to whom correspondence about the manuscript should be sent.

Main text file

Contents of the main text file should be presented in the following order (items marked * are required).

(1) *Title: 120 characters
Short running title (for ALL types including short communications): 50 characters

(2) *Abstract: 300 words and *Keywords: 100 character

(3) *Main text

(4) Note(s)

(5) *Disclosure of conflict of interest

(6) Acknowledgments

(7) *References

(8) Tables

(9) Figure captions

(10) Appendices

Figures and supporting information should be supplied as separate files.

Abstract and keywords

Original articles must have a structured abstract that states the purpose, basic procedures, main findings and principal conclusions of the study. Review Articles should have a similarly concise but informative abstract. The abstract should be 300 words (255 characters for Short Communications) or fewer, and should not contain abbreviations or references.

At least three keywords, for the purposes of indexing, should be supplied below the abstract.


References should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition). This means in text citations should follow the author-date method whereby the author's last name and the year of publication for the source should appear in the text, for example, (Jones, 1998). The complete reference list should appear alphabetically by name at the end of the paper. Note that a DOI should be provided for all references where available (in the format ""), and that for journal articles, issue numbers are not included unless each issue in the volume begins with page one. Reference to unpublished data and personal communications should not appear in the list but should be cited in the text only (e.g. Smith A, 2000, unpublished data). All citations mentioned in the text, tables or figures must be listed in the reference list.


Notes should be placed as a list at the end of the paper only, not at the foot of each page. They should be numbered in the list and referred to in the text with consecutive, superscript Arabic numerals. Keep notes brief and few in number: they should contain only short comments tangential to the main argument of the paper and should not include references.


Tables should be self-contained and complement, but not duplicate, information contained in the text. Number tables consecutively in the text in Arabic numerals. Type tables on a separate page with the legend above. Legends should be concise but comprehensive – the table, legend and footnotes must be understandable without reference to the text. Vertical lines should not be used to separate columns. Column headings should be brief, with units of measurement in parentheses; all abbreviations must be defined in footnotes. Statistical measures such as SD or SEM should be identified in the headings.

Figure legends

Legends should be concise but comprehensive – the figure and its legend must be understandable without reference to the text. Include definitions of any symbols used and define/explain all abbreviations and units of measurement.


These should be placed at the end of the paper, labeled as specified in the APA Publication Manual (section 2.13), and referred to in the text. If written by a person other than the author of the main text, the writer’s name should be included below the title.


All illustrations (line drawings and photographs) are classified as figures. Figures should be cited in consecutive order in the text. Each figure should be supplied as a separate file, with the figure number incorporated in the file name.

For submission, low-resolution figures saved as .jpg or .bmp files should be uploaded, for ease of transmission during the review process. Upon acceptance of the article, high-resolution figures (at least 300 d.p.i.) saved as .eps or .tif files should be uploaded. Figures submitted in colour may be reproduced in colour online free of charge.

For full instructions on preparing your figures, see our Electronic Artwork Information for Authors page.


Please provide an Acknowledgments section, which must specify the source of financial grants and other funding, including a frank declaration of the authors’ industrial links and affiliations. The contribution of colleagues or institutions should also be acknowledged. Personal thanks and thanks to anonymous reviewers are not appropriate.

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest

The authors declare there are no conflicts of interest.

Ethical Approval Statement

We require that studies involving human subjects contain declarations that the procedure received ethical approval from the appropriate review board of the author's institution, and that written informed consent was obtained from the participants, or statements explaining why these measures were not considered necessary.

Supporting Information

Supporting information is not essential to the article but provides greater depth and background and may include tables, figures, videos, data sets, etc. This material can be submitted with your manuscript, and will appear online, without editing or typesetting. Guidelines on how to prepare this material and which formats and files sizes are acceptable can be found on the Author Services website.

Refer and Transfer Program

Wiley believes that no valuable research should go unshared. This journal participates in Wiley’s Refer & Transfer program. If your manuscript is not accepted, you may receive a recommendation to transfer your manuscript to another suitable Wiley journal, either through a referral from the journal’s editor or through our Transfer Desk Assistant.

Wiley Author Resources

Manuscript Preparation Tips: Wiley has a range of resources for authors preparing manuscripts for submission available here. In particular, authors may benefit from referring to Wiley’s best practice tips on Writing for Search Engine Optimization.

Article Preparation Support

Wiley Editing Services offers expert help with English Language Editing, as well as translation, manuscript formatting, figure illustration, figure formatting, and graphical abstract design – so you can submit your manuscript with confidence.

Also, check out our resources for Preparing Your Article for general guidance about writing and preparing your manuscript.

Summary of Submission Requirements

• A cover letter should be included in the ‘Cover Letter Field’ of the ScholarOne system. The text can be entered directly into the field or uploaded as a file.

• The cover letter must state explicitly that the content of this submission has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere, and must also contain an acknowledgment that all authors have contributed significantly and are in agreement with the content of the manuscript.

• Authors must declare any financial support or relationships that may pose conflict of interest in the ‘Conflict of Interest’ field in the ScholarOne System.

• Two Word-files need to be included upon submission: A title page file and a main text file that includes all parts of the text in the sequence indicated in the section 'Parts of the manuscript', including tables and figure legends but excluding figures which should be supplied separately.

• The main text file should be prepared using Microsoft Word, doubled-spaced. The top, bottom and side margins should be 30 mm. All pages should be numbered consecutively in the top right-hand corner, beginning with the first page of the main text file.

• Each figure should be supplied as a separate file, with the figure number incorporated in the file name. For submission, low-resolution figures saved as .jpg or .bmp files should be uploaded, for ease of transmission during the review process. Upon acceptance of the article, high-resolution figures (at least 300 d.p.i.) saved as .eps or .tif files will be required.

• Authors must provide the names, institutional affiliations, and email addresses of three persons who they feel are qualified to review the submission, based on their expertise in the relevant research area. These suggestions are for guidance only and the journal is not bound by them.


Editorial review and acceptance

The acceptance criteria for all papers are the quality and originality of the research and its significance to our readership. Except where otherwise stated, manuscripts are peer reviewed by two reviewers in single-blind fashion (the reviewers are informed of the authors' identities but not vice versa) and the Editor. Final acceptance or rejection rests with the Editorial Board, who reserves the right to refuse any material for publication.

Manuscripts should be in a clear, concise, direct style. Where contributions are judged as acceptable for publication on the basis of content, the Editor and the Publisher reserve the right to modify typescripts to eliminate ambiguity and repetition and improve communication between author and reader. If extensive alterations are required, the manuscript will be returned to the author for revision.

Ethical Considerations

Human and/or Animal studies

Where applicable, manuscripts must contain a statement to the effect that all human and/or animal studies have been reviewed by the appropriate ethics committee and have been performed in accordance with appropriate ethical standards, such as those specified in the APA Publication Manual (section 8.04). It should also be state clearly in the text that all persons gave their informed consent prior to their inclusion in the study. Details that might disclose the identity of the subjects under the study should be omitted.

Clinical trial registration

PsyCh Journal requires that the clinical trials submitted for its consideration are registered in a publicly accessible database. Authors should include the name of the trial register and their clinical trial registration number in the Acknowledgments section of their manuscript. If you wish the editor[s] to consider an unregistered trial, please explain briefly why the trial has not been registered.

Randomized controlled trials

Reporting of randomized controlled trials should follow the guidelines of The CONSORT Statement.

Conflict of interest

Authors must declare any financial support or relationships that may pose conflict of interest by disclosing at the time of submission any financial arrangements they have with a company whose product figures prominently in the submitted manuscript or with a company making a competing product. Such information will be held in confidence while the paper is under review and will not influence the editorial decision. If the article is accepted for publication, the Editor will usually discuss with the authors the manner in which such information is to be communicated to the reader.

Publication Ethics

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Note this journal uses iThenticate’s CrossCheck software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. Read the Top 10 Publishing Ethics Tips for Authors here. Wiley’s Publication Ethics Guidelines can be found at

Reproduction of Copyright Material

If excerpts from copyrighted works owned by third parties are included, credit must be shown in the contribution. It is the author’s responsibility to also obtain written permission for reproduction from the copyright owners. For more information visit Wiley’s Copyright Terms & Conditions FAQ at


If a paper is accepted for publication, the author identified as the formal corresponding author will receive an email prompting them to log in to Author Services, where via the Wiley Author Licensing Service (WALS) they will be required to complete a copyright license agreement on behalf of all authors of the paper.

Authors may choose to publish under the terms of the journal’s standard copyright agreement, or Open Access under the terms of a Creative Commons License.

General information regarding licensing and copyright is available here.

Self-Archiving Definitions and Policies: Note that the journal’s standard copyright agreement allows for self-archiving of different versions of the article under specific conditions. Please click here for more detailed information about self-archiving definitions and policies.

Open Access: This is a subscription journal that offers an open access option. When choosing to make your article open access after acceptance, the article will be subject to an APC. Read more about the journal’s open access policy here: Open Access page.

Funder Open Access: Please click here for more information on Wiley’s compliance with specific Funder Open Access Policies. 


After Acceptance > Copyright & Licensing 

This journal willjoin Wiley’s Open Access portfolio as of January 1, 2024. Please visit the following page for details on copyright, licensing, and open access publishing options: Open Access page.

Accepted Article Received in Production

When an accepted article is received by Wiley's production team, the corresponding author will receive an email asking them to login or register with Wiley Author Services. The author will be asked to sign a publication license at this point.


Authors will receive an e-mail notification with a link and instructions for accessing HTML page proofs online. Page proofs should be carefully proofread for any copyediting or typesetting errors. Online guidelines are provided within the system. No special software is required, all common browsers are supported. Authors should also make sure that any renumbered tables, figures, or references match text citations and that figure legends correspond with text citations and actual figures. Proofs must be returned within 48 hours of receipt of the email. Return of proofs via e-mail is possible in the event that the online system cannot be used or accessed.

Early View

The journal offers rapid speed to publication via Wiley’s Early View service. Early View articles are complete full-text articles published online in advance of their publication in a printed issue. Early View articles are complete and final. They have been fully reviewed, revised and edited for publication, and the authors' final corrections have been incorporated. Because they are in final form, no changes can be made after online publication. Early View articles are given a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), which allows the article to be cited and tracked before allocation to an issue. After print publication, the DOI remains valid and can continue to be used to cite and access the article.


Access and Sharing

When the article is published online: 

  • The author receives an email alert (if requested).
  • The link to the published article can be shared through social media.
  • The author will have free access to the paper (after accepting the Terms & Conditions of use, they can view the article).
  • The corresponding author and co-authors can nominate up to ten colleagues to receive a publication alert and free online access to the article.

Accessing Your Free PDF Offprint. Free access to the final PDF offprint or your article will be available via author services only. Please therefore sign up for author services if you would like to access your article PDF offprint and enjoy the many other benefits the service offers

Print copies of the article can now be ordered (instructions are sent at proofing stage or email

Promoting articles

To find out how author's can promote their articles, please click here.

Article Promotion Support

Wiley Editing Services offers professional video, design, and writing services to create shareable video abstracts, infographics, conference posters, lay summaries, and research news stories for your research – so you can help your research get the attention it deserves.

Measuring the Impact of an Article

Wiley also helps authors measure the impact of their research through specialist partnerships with Kudos and Altmetric.


Editorial Office, PsyCh Journal
Room 225, South Building, Institute of Psychology
Chinese Academy of Sciences
16 Lincui Road
Chaoyang District
China 100101

Tel: 86 10 6484 8251

Author Guidelines updated 20 April 2017

Pubdate: 2024-07-09    Viewed: 68