Predicting rock–paper–scissors choices based on single-trial EEG signals
Received date: 15 Mar 2023
Accepted date: 17 Aug 2023
Published date: 20 Jan 2024
Decision prediction based on neurophysiological signals is of great application value in many real-life situations, especially in human–AI collaboration or counteraction. Single-trial analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals is a very valuable step in the development of an online decision-prediction system. However, previous EEG-based decision-prediction methods focused mainly on averaged EEG signals of all decision-making trials to predict an individual's general decision tendency (e.g., risk seeking or aversion) over a period rather than on a specific decision response in a single trial. In the present study, we used a rock–paper–scissors game, which is a common multichoice decision-making task, to explore how to predict participants' single-trial choice with EEG signals. Forty participants, comprising 20 females and 20 males, played the game with a computer player for 330 trials. Considering that the decision-making process of this game involves multiple brain regions and neural networks, we proposed a new algorithm named common spatial pattern-attractor metagene (CSP-AM) to extract CSP features from different frequency bands of EEG signals that occurred during decision making. The results showed that a multilayer perceptron classifier achieved an accuracy significantly exceeding the chance level among 88.57% (31 of 35) of participants, verifying the classification ability of CSP features in multichoice decision-making prediction. We believe that the CSP-AM algorithm could be used in the development of proactive AI systems.
Zetong He , Lidan Cui , Shunmin Zhang , Guibing He . Predicting rock–paper–scissors choices based on single-trial EEG signals[J]. Psych Journal, 2024 , 13(1) : 19 -30 . DOI: 10.1002/pchj.688
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